10 Simple Tips for Optimizing your Blog on Search Engines

I don't know of a single blogger who doesn't want to improve their search engine optimization and page rank. The truth is that there is always something you can do!  

Here are 10 tips for boosting SEO – and all of them are straight forward things you can implement yourself: 

  1. Start with writing great content that is useful and relevant to your audience. 
  2. Create content 'staying power'. 
  3. Name individual blog posts using keywords from your post and use descriptive titles, for example "10 Simple Tips for Optimizing your Blog on Search Engines" 
  4. Add compelling images to increase visual interest. Tag your images appropriately with keywords from your post.
  5. Promote sharing of your content by adding widgets to allow for easy sharing including Twitter and other social networks of the reader's choice. Remember to avoid overloading with too many widgets which may slow down your site.
  6. Add RSS in an obvious spot of your blog so readers can easily subscribe.
  7. Link new posts to previous related posts on your blog to encourage sharing and longevity of older content. Update stories with a new take and link to the original article. 
  8. Cross-link to relevant, related information. Link to other blogs with similar topics and let them know you are doing so. They may link back in a future story.
  9. Allow readers to leave comments for ongoing discussion. Monitor for spam and leave relevant comments to encourage dialogue.
  10. Share older (but still relevant) posts through Twitter. Most of your followers have probably not read the post so don't feel like you are re-hashing old news if the information still has value.