5 Tips to Successfully Navigate a Proposal Storm

In today’s competitive atmosphere, preparing and submitting proposals is one way to win new projects for your business and generate increased revenue.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to forecast when or how many of these opportunities will be issued. Some weeks can be dry, while others are flooded with prospects.

Regardless of your current proposal conditions, we have found that the following five proven tips can help you survive a proposal storm.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

Setting the tone with a thorough plan encourages buy-in by all and establishes everyone’s roles over the course of your proposal preparation.

Your plan can include such items as a high-level overview of the submission (including due dates, locations and times), any research on the project or client, an overview of the response requirements along with section authors, and a schedule to help you map out what needs to be done by when.

2. Prepare in Advance

Whatever you can confirm and complete now reduces any additional work or stress closer to the deadline.

For example, ask yourself questions like:

  • Can you prepare any graphics, such as cover and tab designs in advance?
  • How do you plan to produce your submission and where?
  • Will you use a courier or hand deliver your proposal?

3. Constantly Communicate

Team members, strategy or submission requirements can change on a dime, so it’s important to continually keep in touch – via phone and email –with all key proposal team personnel.

4. Remain Flexible

Not physically, but mentally. Everyone is in the same boat, so maintaining a flexible schedule (and keeping your cool) can help to avoid stress and promote productivity on all fronts.

Being flexible can also help to prepare for any “what if” scenarios to avoid last minute stresses and surprises.

5. Reward Yourself!

After many long (and sometimes grueling) hours of hard work, it’s important to treat yourself right. Whether it’s a spa day, a new hair-do, or a nice dinner out, don’t forget to show appreciation for your most important commodity — you!

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