4 Events You Can Run to Grow Your Organization Right Now

Running events can be an easy and effective way for you to grow your business or nonprofit (especially when you combine them with email marketing and social media), as the personal connection sparked can be the basis for a longer-term relationship with your attendees.

Any business or nonprofit can use events to help grow, the key is choosing the right kind of event. Following are four event types to consider—can any of these events work for your organization?

1. Holiday Party

The holidays are upon us, and simple act of getting people together to meet you and talk to each other can be very effective. Hosting a holiday party is the perfect way to celebrate the season, and connect with your customers or donors.

2. Open House

If you have a venue or business location, an open house is a fantastic way to let people see “behind the scenes.” Many of your customers and donors would LOVE to know more about what goes on in the background—and this will make them more likely to buy from you or support your cause. They will feel like they know your business or nonprofit better, and be more interested in what you do.

3. Best Practices

You are an expert at what you do, and have lots of great information you can share with your customers, donors, or prospects. You can run an event where you teach them about the best practices in your field. This shows your audience you really know your stuff and gives them confidence in

4. Networking Event

You have a group of people around your business or organization who would probably like to meet each other. This is particularly true for B2B’s, but also applies to many B2C’s (Business to Consumer) and nonprofits as well. If you can facilitate that meeting, then you will become THE person in the know in their eyes. If you are the person in the know, then they’ll think more highly of you and your knowledge, and be more likely to come to you in the future.

For additional tips and insights to help you get started or improve your email and social media, visit Constant Contact’s Learning Center or attend one of Guy’s local seminars.

For more information about using events to grow your business, visit www.eventspot.com.