4 Ways to Keep Your Business Organized Year-round

As a small business owner, you know how important organization is. It’s next to impossible to run a successful company without having a system in place for nearly every aspect of it, from filing client-related documents to keeping track of payroll transactions.

Turning the page on a new year is a good time to reassess how you manage the various facets of your business. And thanks to emerging technologies, keeping track of the all-important things within your business is becoming simpler than ever.

But it’s not enough to simply start off the year with good intentions. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use to make sure you begin 2014 on the right track, and set yourself up to make the next twelve months are as lucrative as possible.

1. Go Paperless

Going paperless is a great way to digitize and organize your business. Using digitization technology like scanners and management software, administrators can place everything from traditional paper documents to images on a digital platform.

In doing so, files are available with just a few keystrokes, and because they’re searchable by keyword, there’s no risk of misplacing the documents. An unorganized filing system can be rectified quickly with a move to a computerized storage format.

There are other perks to going digital in the office. For instance, your business can save a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on things like ink, paper reams and file cabinets, and also free up office space.

2. Embrace Accounting Software

Along the same lines of going paperless, if financial transactions are recorded and managed on the computer with the help of financial software, then you can more easily keep an eye on the fiscal well-being of your company in real-time. You can also organize accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoices and other factors in a way that’s easier to understand at-a-glance.

3. Inspire a Business-Wide Desk Cleaning Event

Inspire your employees to get organized too.  Piles of paper in need of filing that sit unattended on employees’ desk will hurt productivity – if not theirs, then certainly the productivity of the other employees who have to search for those documents.

You can help you employees get organized by picking a time during  work hours for them to tidy up their desks – perhaps ten minutes before the office closes on Fridays.

4. Create a Personal Schedule

As a business owner, you need to organize from the top down, and starting with yourself. Rather than trying to multitask and potentially overlooking one of your to-dos,  you’ll be much better off if you schedule you’re time into chunks to focus on one specific task at a time.

Your schedule can be as flexible or rigid as you like. For instance, you may want to check emails in the morning, before lunch and at the end of the day, handle client communications in the early afternoon and check in with staffers an hour before close. Getting into a routine can help make sure important responsibilities are handled in a timely manner.

Ultimately, time is money in your business, and taking steps to help you and your employees get organized will help ensure that everyone is working as productively as possible and toward the same goals.