5 Ways to Make Your Email Marketing Move the Reader to Action

What the kiss of death is for email marketing? When someone opens your newsletter or campaign, thinks, “Oh… isn’t that nice.”—and does nothing further.

The goal of email marketing is to get the reader to do something, but a call to action can be a tough sell when people are comfortably sitting at home.

Here are five ways to make sure your readers go beyond the email and take the next step:

1. Make it easy to find the next step. Any links you want readers to click should be very, very visible. The best way to do this is to set some private space aside for your most important links.

2. Link back to your website or social media pages. Emails are often the front doors for marketing initiatives—and you don’t want that door leading to a brick wall. Instead, you want to drive readers to your organization’s website to learn more. Linking to your Facebook Page is an effective way to get people to join your existing community, too.

3. Tell readers what you’re doing. Businesses can benefit by being transparent and personal in emails, because that builds trust and trust builds better relationships.

4. Make things scannable: Some readers may not have time for the whole email, but having bite-size information that keeps them informed can also keep them engaged.

5. Show how you can solve a reader’s problems. Education is one of the biggest sales strategies for B-to-Bs, but every organization needs to use email to show they have a solution to the recipient’s problem&p;whether it’s finding the right dress or helping out a dog in need.

Finally, if you’re still having trouble creating the kind of email content that leads to action, take a step back and ask yourself these three questions:

  • Who am I trying to persuade to take action
  • What is the action I want someone to take
  • What does that person need in order to feel confident enough to take that action?

These questions will help focus each email on an audience, incentive, and follow-through, and will guarantee your recipients will take that valuable next step.

For additional tips and insights to help you get started or improve your email and social media, visit Constant Contact’s Learning Center or attend one of Guy’s local seminars.