A Little Help to Get You Funding

Having been involved in three hardware start-up/exit cycles over the past 20 years, I have learned that there are always funding gaps that must be filled along the way. Often as a founder, when you should be focusing on the four T-words: 

  • Team (strengthening it)
  • Technology (developing your innovation)
  • Traction (selling your product) 
  • Total Addressable Market (understanding it better every day) 

You end up focusing too much on the F-word…funding. 

Often money from founders, family/friends and Angels cannot support your company’s next stage of growth, and you are forced to look to the wider world to find that funding. The good news is that there are numerous government programs that can help top up these funds and also offer expertise to help you succeed. The bad news is that it can be very difficult to wade through the options to find the right program and the right person to talk to. 

Canada has the world’s sixth-highest level of government incentives and financing for business, yet getting access to those funds can still be very difficult. One of the reasons for this, is the decentralized administration of funding programs, even within each level of the government.

That is where the Federal Government’s new Concierge Service steps in. Myself along with eleven other colleagues across Canada have joined to help entrepreneurs connect with the innovation programs that can help them.

The service is delivered by the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) in collaboration with over 40 federal and provincial partners, as well as industry organizations.

Is the Service Relevant for You?

Finding funding for your company is onerous for anyone, whether you are a big or small business. And once you find the right match for you, the application process may often seem too complex to apply. Our goal is to make you aware that this money exists, help match you to the right program and then guide you to the people who can help you through the application process. 

Ask Yourself:

  • Are you investing in an innovative product or service?
  • Would you like someone to give you advice on which Government programs could offer you funding or expertise to accelerate your innovations? 

If you answer yes to both these questions, then contact a Concierge Advisor today. We provide one-on-one personalized assistance to Canadian small and medium enterprises, using our industry experience and network connections to help guide you to the most relevant innovation programs and resources available. The advice is completely free, and usually doesn’t take more than a 30 minute phone call.

How to Contact the Concierge Service

Running a business is complex enough, finding and applying for funding shouldn’t be.

To search for and access the relevant programs and resources to your business visit the Concierge Service website or contact me, Robert McGarry, at Robert.McGarry@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca