Actionable Steps to Increase Your Organic Reach Online

As a small business owner, it’s very important to have a continuous flow of business leads. SEO is one of the best methods to accomplish this, but when it comes to driving traffic, it can be quite overwhelming to get it done all by yourself.

Here are four fast tips that will help you increase your business’ organic reach online, so that you can be a better digital marketer.

1. Create Valuable Content

You may have heard the saying that “content is king” many times before, but it’s worth repeating. To really show yourself as an expert on a topic, you’re going to want to provide enough valuable content that will prove you’re an authority in your industry.

2. Create a Theme

When it comes to ranking a website in the search results, you can’t just write any content on any subject, and then assume that your SEO will improve. You need to create content that’s tightly themed around the search terms and keywords you’re trying to rank for.

3. Obtain Links

Obtaining links from other websites is a great way to rank higher on search engine results. Some proven ways you can do this is by writing valuable guest post, signing up for relevant directories and joining relevant associations.

Guest Posting Links

Odds are that there are a ton of blogging opportunities in your niche. If you’re an expert at what you do, you may be able to find a writing opportunity that will show off your expertise and increase the SEO of your website.

To find a list of sites in your industry that are accepting guest post contributors, use some of the follow search operators (terms) below:

  • “[your niche]” + “guest post”
  • “[your niche]” + “write for us”
  • “[your niche]” + “contribute”

Local Directories

Local directories are generally looked on as only being beneficial when it comes to optimizing local SEO. However, regardless of your business’ geographical reach, listing your business on a local directory can still be a great way to boost your overall brand exposure, credibility and trustworthiness online.

If you are a Canadian business, here are a few popular directories you may want to have your business listed on:

  • Yelp Canada
  • Yellow Pages
  • Associations

Is your business part of any non-profit organizations, associations, boards of trade, chambers of commerce or other business group? These are all potential places that you can use to obtain inbound links for your business.

4. Do Your Research

Finally, if you plan on starting and running your own SEO campaign, it’s very important to do your research. These fast tips are a great place to start off, but every niche is slightly different and will require a slightly different strategy. Being in charge of a successful one really boils down to doing effective research from the start.

Take an in-depth look at the top ranking websites in your industry that you admire –  you’ll be sure to get a good understanding of what it takes to increase your organic reach online so that you can be a business success.

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