Additional Funds Made Available to Businesses Affected by BC Wildfires

In partnership with the Government of British Columbia, the first phase of the Canadian Red Cross Support to Small Business Program provided relief funding of $1,500 to eligible applicants, with more than 2,900 applications received. The Canadian Red Cross recently announced the availability of Phase Two funding under the Small Business Program. The program also offers support for not-for-profit organizations and First Nations cultural livelihoods.

Phase two of the program is now open and may contribute up to a maximum of $18,500 for eligible businesses and cultural livelihoods that support First Nations communities impacted by the British Columbia 2017 wildfires. Not-for-profit organizations may also apply for additional financial assistance of up to $8,500. This financial assistance is designed to at provide support for uninsured losses, insurance deductibles, minor repairs, clean-up, equipment and occupational expenses incurred as a result of the wildfires. Eligibility is based on individual needs and will be determined based on an application process managed through the Canadian Red Cross. Please note, the program is administered by Marsh Canada.

To be considered eligible for the grant, applicants must have:

  • 50 employees for less
  • Been in operation on or before July 7, 2017
  • Been financially impacted by the 2017 B.C. Wildfires
  • A net income of less than $250,000 per year
  • Resumed or the intention to resume operations as soon as possible
  • Has the business or livelihood as the primary source of income

“Small businesses are a vital part of our communities and B.C.’s economy,” said Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, Bruce Ralston. “This second phase of funding for businesses, non-profits and Indigenous entrepreneurs who have suffered losses from this year’s unprecedented wildfire season could provide them with much-needed additional financial support.”

How to Apply

Online Application

If you are a small business owner or applying as a First Nations member supporting your community through a cultural livelihood, click here to apply.

If you are a not-for-profit organization affected by the BC Wildfires, apply online here.

Information Package

If you wish to download an information package to assist in completing the application, you can find it here. If you have any questions about the application that aren’t covered in the package, contact the dedicated Helpline at 1-855-999-3345.

Application Period

Small business owners, not-for-profit organizations, and First Nations individuals supporting the community through cultural livelihoods can apply online from now until 11:59 PM PST on April 6, 2018.

Other Resources

As the recovery continues, other resources remain available to affected small business owners. Read our BC Wildfire Resources for Small Business article for a full breakdown.