BC Wildfire Resources For Small Business

PLEASE NOTE: This article was published in August 2017. All links and information reflect information that was accurate at this time.


Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by the wildfires across British Columbia.

During this difficult time, there are several resources available to business owners to help with managing the day-to-day situation, as well as planning for the rebuild.

Below, we detail answers to some of the most common questions business owners will face.

Q1.  What organizations are offering financial assistance to businesses directly affected by the fires?

Q2.  What organizations are offering advice and counselling for businesses directly affected by the fires?

Q3.  How will my insurance cover any damage caused by the fires?

Q4.  I’ve submitted my insurance claim and I don’t agree with their findings. What are the next steps?

Q5.  Though not directly impacted by the fire, my business has experienced a substantial loss of profits. How can my business survive this situation?

Q6.  What resources are available to get my business up and running again as quickly as possible?

Q7.  What websites can I check for up to date news on the B.C. Wildfires?

Q8.  What resources are available to help with the impact of the B.C. Wildfires on my own mental wellbeing?

Q9.  Are any tax relief measures available to businesses or individuals affected by the B.C. Wildfires?

Q10.  I have an agricultural business that has been affected by the B.C. Wildfires. What resources are available specifically for me?

Q11.  I need to access information on employment insurance, Canadian pension plan, the work-sharing program, or records of employment. Where can I do this?

Q12.  Where can I find answers to my employment standards questions?

Q13.   What are my obligations as a landlord or a tenant if my commercial space was damaged directly by the fires?

Q14.   What other resources are available to me, and weren’t covered above?

Please note: As internet coverage may be patchy during this time, we have tried to provide phone numbers when applicable for more information. The underlined text is also hyperlinked so those with internet access can visit the relevant website for further details. Information is time sensitive and subject to change.

Q1. What organizations are offering financial assistance to businesses directly affected by the fires?

Canadian Red Cross Support to Small Business Program

  • In partnership with the Government of British Columbia, the first phase of the Canadian Red Cross Support to Small Business Program provided relief funding of $1,500 to eligible applicants, with more than 2,900 applications received. The Canadian Red Cross recently announced the availability of Phase Two funding under the Small Business Program. The program also offers support for not-for-profit organizations and First Nations cultural livelihoods.Phase two of the program is now open and may contribute up to a maximum of $18,500 for eligible businesses and cultural livelihoods that support First Nations communities impacted by the British Columbia 2017 wildfires. Not-for-profit organizations may also apply for additional financial assistance of up to $8,500. This financial assistance is designed to at provide support for uninsured losses, insurance deductibles, minor repairs, clean-up, equipment and occupational expenses incurred as a result of the wildfires. Eligibility is based on individual needs and will be determined based on an application process managed through the Canadian Red Cross. Please note, the program is administered by Marsh Canada.To be considered eligible for the grant, applicants must have:
    • 50 employees for less
    • Been in operation on or before July 7, 2017
    • Been financially impacted by the 2017 B.C. Wildfires
    • A net income of less than $250,000 per year
    • Resumed or the intention to resume operations as soon as possible
    • Has the business or livelihood as the primary source of income

    “Small businesses are a vital part of our communities and B.C.’s economy,” said Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, Bruce Ralston. “This second phase of funding for businesses, non-profits and Indigenous entrepreneurs who have suffered losses from this year’s unprecedented wildfire season could provide them with much-needed additional financial support.”

    Online Application

    If you are a small business owner or applying as a First Nations member supporting your community through a cultural livelihood, click here to apply.

    If you are a not-for-profit organization affected by the BC Wildfires, apply online here.

    For further details on the assistance available from the Canadian Red Cross, please consult their BC Fires Assistance FAQs


  • Agricultural businesses are one of the largest groups affected by the B.C. Wildfires. Production Insurance (also called AgriInsurance) and Agriculture Income Protection help agricultural, livestock and agri-food producers protect their business against disaster situations such as crop loss and income declines due to wildfire.
  • The Advanced Payments Program is a federal loan program which is available to assist crop and livestock producers meet their financial obligations through improved cash flow and better opportunities to market their agricultural products. Loans of up to $400,000 are available under the program, with the federal government covering the interest on the first $100,000.
  • B.C. Ranchers and Farmers can now register for the $20-million 2017 Canada-British Columbia Wildfires Recovery Initiative to help rebuild their livelihoods. The aim of the initiative is to assist agricultural producers with compensation for extraordinary expenses necessary for recovery and, more importantly, enable farms and ranches to return to production as quickly as possible.Components of the initiative include contributions towards:
    • Up to 70% for extraordinary feed costs, including transportation to feed livestock through the recovery period;
    • Up to $20 per head to remove hazards and general cleanup;
    • Up to $60 per head to re-establish safe winter feeding facilities where fire has destroyed cattle management infrastructure.
    • Up to 70% for veterinary, mustering and transportation costs;
    • Up to 70% for the market value of breeding livestock for mortality;
    • Up to 70% of extraordinary costs incurred by an industry organization and not paid by another agency or government department; and
    • Up to 70% of the extraordinary costs required to return to normal production, including:
      • Critical infrastructure not covered by insurance
      • Labour costs to repair fences required for livestock and production of crops.
      • Reseeding/re-establishment of tame forage and other perennial crops damaged by fires.

    For further information, please contact:  the Ministry of Agriculture, Business Risk Management Branch at

    Telephone:  1 888 332 3352,


    You can also visit the provincial Agriculture Income Protection page or the federal AgriRecovery page.

  • The Government of Canada currently has two main programs offering financial assistance to businesses.
    • The Canada Small Business Financing Program offers a “loan guarantee program to secure small business loans against inadvertent non-compliance with payment terms for a range of reasons, including disasters. Assets guaranteed include real property improvements, leasehold improvements or the purchase of equipment.” For more information on how this program can help you, call 1-866-959-1699
    • If you are faced with having to temporarily lay-off your staff, due to the wildfires, the Employment Insurance Work Sharing Program offers income support to workers who are willing to work a temporary reduced work week when there is a reduction in business activity beyond the control of the employer. The program includes special criteria to allow easier access to the Work Sharing Program for business affected by major disaster or public threats.” More information on this program can also be found by calling 1-866-891-5319
  • Community Futures Sun Country has announced a BC Wildfire response and recovery loan program to help small businesses within its regional area that were impacted by wildfires. This program offers a loan of up to $10,000 to eligible businesses at prime plus 2 per cent interest over a four-year amortization period. There’s also an option to waive repayment obligations for up to eight months. Eligibility is as follows:
  • Businesses with 50 or fewer employees
  • Operating when the emergency commenced
  • Hold a valid business licence
  • Unable to operate (or has operated at a reduced level) for more than five days due to wildfires

For more information, visit the Community Futures Sun Country office at 203 Railway Avenue in Ashcroft, or call 250-453-9165 (toll free 1-800-567-9911)

  • The Canadian banking sector has stepped up in response to the B.C. Wildfires, donating both finance and expertise to the effort. Scotiabank, CIBC, Royal Bank and the Bank of Montreal have each donated $50,000 to the relief effort. Vancity building society has created a Red Cross Donation Portal for members and staff to donate directly to the appeal. Banks and Building Societies will also accept donations to the Red Cross at any of their branches, with donors asked to indicate their donation is for the British Columbia Fires Appeal.There also may be help available in the banking sector, so it’s important to contact your financial institution to see what programs are offered to businesses directly affected by the B.C Wildfires. Below are the phone numbers for some of Canada’s largest financial institutions:

Q2. What organizations are offering advice and counselling for businesses directly affected by the fires?

  • The British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA) has initiated its Economic Disaster Recovery Program (EDRP) to assist communities directly impacted by the wildfires. The Business Recovery Hotline offers a toll-free resource for advice and direction on getting a business back up and running following a disaster. The hotline is available Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 8 PM and can be reached at 1-877-422-3377.
  • The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) offers experienced Business Resource Counsellors to guide your business through this difficult time, connecting you with relevant government programs and resources. If you’re currently unaffected but in an area where you’re at risk, CFIB also offers assistance in formulating an Emergency Preparedness plan. Call their Business Resource Counsellors at 1-888-234-2232 for further details.

Q3. Will my insurance cover any damage caused by the fires?

According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada and their BC Wildfire Resource: “Most home and business insurance policies cover fire damage. If residents have to leave their homes because of a mandatory evacuation order issued by civil authorities, most homeowner’s and tenant’s insurance policies will provide coverage for reasonable additional living expenses for a specified period of time.” If you’ve been affected by the wildfires, when safe to do so, perform the following steps:

  • Assess and document the damage, and take of affected rooms, goods, machinery
  • List all damaged or destroyed items
  • If possible, assemble proofs of purchase, photos, receipts and warranties
  • Keep all of the receipts pertaining to the cleanup and living expenses
  • Call your insurance representative and/or company and don`t forget to ask what living expenses you’re entitled to be reimbursed for
  • IBC have also produced a Frequently Asked Questions document, as well as a tip sheet pertaining to Fire Damage to Business.

Following the Provincial declaration of a state of emergency due to the wildfires, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) deployed its Community Assistance Mobile Pavilion (CAMP) to the Kamloops region. CAMP staff are on-site, providing insurance information and advice to those affected by the fires. Policy holders can contact their insurance representative directly, or the IBC Consumer Information Centre at 1-844-2275-422 or askibcwest@ibc.ca.

Q4. I’ve submitted my insurance claim and I don’t agree with their findings. What are the next steps?

Once you have reported a loss, a Claims Adjuster from your insurance company will be assigned. This process may take some time given the large number of businesses affected by the wildfires. The Claims Adjuster will investigate the circumstances of the loss, examine the documents you provide and explain the next steps. Your insurance company will ask you to complete a “proof of loss” form, listing what property and/or items have been damaged or destroyed. Should you disagree with the insurance company’s findings, there are a number of avenues of appeal.

  • Raise the issue with management at the insurance company or their internal ombudsman
  • The General Insurance OmbudService (GIO) mediates these disagreements and can also be reached at 1-877-225-0446
  • Contact a federal or provincial Superintendent of Insurance if the above steps don’t resolve the issue

Q5. Though not directly impacted by the fire, my business has experienced a substantial loss of profits. How can my business survive this situation?

  • Even if the fire doesn’t directly prevent you doing business, it can have a dramatic effect on your volume of business. The Government of Canada’s Small Business Financing Program and Employment Insurance Work Sharing Program offer short term solutions to cash flow and staving off potential lay-offs. Financial Institutions are another potential avenue to explore for financing (contact numbers for B.C.’s largest institutions are listed earlier in this article)
  • Small Business B.C. offers tips on how to keep your business afloat in the aftermath of a disaster
  • The Insurance Bureau of Canada has produced a factsheet to answer all questions surrounding Business Interruption Coverage and the B.C. Wildfires.
  • Depending on the individual financing needs you face, you may need to develop/refresh your existing business plan to accommodate your changed circumstances and seek financing from different lenders. At the minimum, a financial plan for the future of the business should be developed. Small Business B.C. offers a wealth of information on putting together a business plan, as well as financial planning. They can be reached at 604-775-5525.
  • If the issue preventing your business from succeeding pertains to surrounding infrastructure like a bridge or road, it’s important to communicate this issue to the appropriate level of government to have it rectified. Your local Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) or federal Member of Parliament (MP) are two potential options.

Q6. How can I get my business up and running again as quickly as possible?

  • The Office of Housing and Construction Standards features a Frequently Asked Questions section on their site devoted to building codes in British Columbia.
  • British Columbia’s Better Business Bureau offers tips on avoiding falling prey to Shady Contractors in the wake of the B.C. Wildfires
  • Helping your community to get back on its feet in the wake of the wildfires can benefit your business. The Government of British Columbia has put out a press release detailing ways you can volunteer to help your community directly.
  • Knowing how to prepare for and respond to a trauma in the workplace is vitally important in a disaster area. Health Canada has released a comprehensive eGuide on responding to traumas.
  • Here4BC is a joint effort by the construction industry in B.C. to help the effort to fight the fires. It aims to provide support to those who have been displaced, lost homes, or businesses resulting from the B.C. Wildfires.
  • Depending on the severity of the damage your business suffered, it may be necessary to hire contractors to carry out repairs. The Government of B.C. offers a resource centre for permits, zoning and building/fire codes.

Q7. What are some websites for information on the B.C. Wildfires and how they affect my business?

    • The B.C. Wildfire Service offers an interactive map of active wildfires in the province. They are also active daily on Facebook
    • British Columbia’s official channel for Emergency Alerts lists up to the minute information on evacuation orders, the latest from DriveBC, and Environment Canada. They can be contacted at 1-800-663-7867
    • The Ministry of Transportation offers up to the minute information on road closures across the province due to the wildfire
    • The Canadian Red Cross British Columbia Fires resource contains a detailed FAQ, hours of operation for Support and Resilience Centres, a guide to wildfire recovery, and Community Partnerships Program.

  • Small Business BC offers support to small businesses across the province. They can be reached at 604-775-5525

Q8. What resources are available to help with the impact of the B.C. Wildfires on my own mental wellbeing?

Q9. Are any tax relief measures available to businesses or individuals affected by the B.C. Wildfires?

  • In extraordinary circumstances (such as the B.C. Wildfires) Canada Revenue Agency may waive penalties or interest on outstanding tax payments
  • To apply to have penalties or interest waived, download form RC4288 Request for Taxpayer Relief
  • Canada Revenue Agency also offers to expedite taxpayer relief requests. Their business inquiries line can be reached at 1-800-959-5525
  • If books or records have been destroyed, call the CRA to inform them of the issue at 1-800-959-5525
  • The Canada Revenue may allow livestock producers to defer income from the sell down of breeding stock. This allows livestock producers to move the income from selling breeding stock into the future so it can be matched against the expense of repurchasing breeding stock. It is not certain at this time if this income deferral will be available in 2017.

Q10. I have an agricultural business that has been affected by the B.C. Wildfires. What resources are available specifically for me?

Farm Business Recovery Advisory Services Program

The Ministry of Agriculture has launched a new program to assist eligible farmers and ranchers affected by this year’s wildfires to better understand the impacts on their current production and financial situation, and enable them to implement an immediate and long term recovery plan.

The program will provide access to basic financial analysis, specialized business planning and coaching services. Full program support will provide up to $5,000 for service from a qualified advisor.

Eligible Activities

This program has a farm self-assessment component and a consulting component.

Eligible activities include:

  • Impact assessment
  • Impact mitigation
  • Financial analysis
  • Financial management
  • Business strategy
  • Production economics
  • Marketing strategy
  • Human resources
  • Succession planning

Eligible Applicants

  • B.C. agricultural producers that live in an area of British Columbia where the local government had issued an evacuation alert or evacuation order due to wildfire occurring during 2017
  • The applicant business was an active farming entity at the time of 2017 wildfire (i.e. participates in the day-today operations of the farm) and is a British Columbia resident that is over 19 years of age
  • Currently have BC Assessment Authority farm status
  • A farm operation with a minimum of $10,000 in annual gross farm sales income as stated on applicants Canada Revenue Agency’s income tax return

Application Instructions

  1. Producer completes and submits an Application Form including required documentation
  2. Program administrator provides applicant with a list of qualified consultants
  3. Producer selects a qualified consultant from the list of eligible Recovery Farm Business Advisors
  4. Producer chooses to either complete the “BC Wildfire Recovery for Agriculture” self-assessment or review it with the help of their selected advisor
  5. Advisor submits initial action plan and specialized business planning services project proposal (signed by both the applicant and the advisor) to the Ministry

Complete the B.C. Wildfire Recovery for Agriculture self assessment workbook (PDF, 1.1MB)

2017 Canada-British Columbia Wildfires Recovery Initiative

B.C. livestock producers can now also apply for the 2017 Canada-British Columbia Wildfires Recovery Initiative. The 2017 Canada-British Columbia Wildfires Recovery Initiative will provide up to $20 million to assist agricultural producers with the extraordinary costs incurred to recover from the adverse effects of this year’s wildfires and to return to production as soon as possible.

The Wildfire Recovery Initiative provides some assistance to help offset the extraordinary costs required to return to agricultural production. It is not intended to compensate for farm income losses and does not diminish the need to purchase commercial insurance for farm assets and infrastructure.

How to Apply

  • Please read the Terms and Conditions of your application package.
  • Complete the general application form, as well as the appendices (eg. Land and Livestock Inventory Forms and the Canada Revenue Tax Form)
  • Identify the payment types that you will be applying for and fill out the Loss Schedule form(s) accordingly.
  • Upon completion, please return the application and Loss Schedule form(s) to us by scanning and emailing, faxing or by mail.

Application Deadline: January 31, 2018

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact 1-888-332-3352 (toll free). Dedicated personnel are in place to assist you with the application process.

  • The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNR), together with Emergency Management BC, is working to repair and replace all fences, cattle handling facilities, watering facilities, rider cabins and any other Crown range infrastructure damaged or destroyed due to fire on Crown Land. Please contact your local FLNR District Range staff for more information.
  • The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has responsibility for highways fencing. To report a maintenance request visit http://www.drivebc.ca/rahp/index.html or contact 250 387-3198. It is not expected that any of these replacement costs will fall to cattle producers.
  • Production Insurance (also referred to as crop insurance and AgriInsurance) covers crop losses, where crops are lost because they cannot be irrigated, harvested or properly managed during a fire. To make a claim contact your local Production Insurance office on 1-800-474-6133 or 250-398-4213.
  • If you have participated in the AgriStability program you may be eligible for assistance due to losses caused by loss of production, stored crop, livestock inventories or increased expenses. To find out more, contact 1-877-343-2767
  • Looking to invest the money you have saved in your AgriInvest savings program (where governments match farmer contributions up to 1% of eligible net sales to a maximum of $15,000 per year)? Contact 1-866-367-8506. You will be asked to provide your full name, PIN and two figures from your most current application, for example: AgriInvest Account Statement – Opening or Closing balance, Fund 1 or Fund 2 or Calculation of Program Benefits Notice for the AgriStability Program.

Q11. I need to access information on employment insurance, Canadian pension plan, the work-sharing program, or records of employment. Where can I do this?

  • Service Canada has created a dedicated webpage for those affected by the B.C. Wildfires
  • If you don’t have access to your SIN Number, you can visit a Service Canada office with all the identification you possess to receive confirmation of your SIN
  • A reference code has been put in place to allow Service Canada to process EI claims for those affected by the B.C. Wildfires. The reference code is For more information, call 1-800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232)
  • If earlier claim establishment is required, Interim Records of Employment (ROEs) can also be completed. Fill out the Request for Record of Employment form, or call 1-800-206-7218 for details

Q12. Where can I find answers to my employment standards questions?

Please visit the Government of British Columbia’s Employment Standards Resource Page for any updates to British Columbia employment standards as a result of the B.C. Wildfires.

Q13. What are my obligations as a landlord or a tenant if my commercial space was damaged directly by the fires?

  • The Government of British Columbia has put together a comprehensive .pdf file explaining the next steps for both tenants and landlords for dealing with damaged homes/businesses
  • The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation features details on a Housing Emergency Repair Program and Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Program

Q14. What other resources are available to me, and weren’t covered above?

  • A number of resources are available to help people and families find emergency accommodation or to volunteer to house people in need.
  • A number of groups have been set up to find space for animals and livestock displaced by the wildfires
  • The B.C. SPCA has deployed staff to evacuated regions of the province to find and care for animals left behind. If you’ve been evacuated from the Cariboo Regional District you can register left-behind animals by calling 1-855-622-7722 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (5:00 p.m. on weekends). If you’re located in a different region, please contact your regional district for further details. Owners of missing pets qualify for free registration with the B.C. SPCA’s B.C. Pet registry using the offer code “Reunite”
  • The Canadian Red Cross is supporting the Government of B.C. in providing relief in areas affected by the wildfires and has also opened a British Columbia Fires Appeal donations page for those looking to help. Other agencies collecting donations include:
  • BC Ferries is currently offering free ferry transportation on any BC Ferries’ route for evacuees. Those affected should call BC Ferries call centre at 1-888-BCFERRY (1-888-223-3779) to secure travel. For more details, see BC Ferries’ press release.
  • WorkSafeBC has been closely monitoring the B.C. Wildfire situation and how it pertains to employee safety. They’ve put together a Wildfire Smoke: Frequently Asked Questions page detailing information on how to keep employees safe from Wildfire smoke, as well as broader issues relating to the wildfires.
  • To help tourism businesses across the province plan a fast, effective response and recovery in the event of a major emergency, the Government of British Columbia and Tourism Industry of British Columbia have announced two new resources.
    • PreparedBC: Guide for Tourism Operators is a step-by-step guide to prepare your organization and staff for emergencies. It lists potential risks, how to make an effective disaster plan, what contacts to have on hand, important materials and supplies, how to communicate with and train employees, and much more
    • PreparedBC: Emergency Plan for Tourism Operators offers templates and tools that build off the guide. The document is designed to help operators easily plan a fast and effective response to emergencies.