Bring the Tradeshow Experience to Your Home or Office

From college fairs to industry conferences, the “virtual tradeshow” format is catching on.

Unlike the real-world version, you won’t come home from a virtual tradeshow with another bag full of brochures and free pens. In fact, you don’t even need to leave your home or office to attend. A virtual tradeshow takes place entirely online, allowing participants to log on and take part, wherever they’re located in the world.

The virtual tradeshow format offers clear cost savings and convenience for everyone involved. Tradeshow hosts save on the cost of renting conference space – which can lower costs for exhibitors as well – and attendees and exhibitors alike save on related travel costs.

Just like traditional tradeshows, virtual tradeshows usually include live chats, exhibitor space, and seminars. And because attendees can explore the virtual tradeshow space on their own terms, there’s less pressure to immediately interact with exhibitors and more time to evaluate their materials before initiating a conversation, which ultimately leads to more qualified prospects.

What’s more, a virtual tradeshow’s educational content and exhibitor materials often remain available to attendees for a period of time after the event concludes, allowing those who can’t participate in real-time to conveniently access the content for later follow-up.

Attend the TRADESTART Virtual Tradeshow

Want to give a virtual tradeshow a try?

Small Business BC will host the TRADESTART Export-Import Virtual Tradeshow on April 18, 2013. If you’re thinking of starting an importing or exporting business, or considering expanding your business to new markets through trade, then this is your opportunity to network with BC’s best trade experts and attend educational seminars, all online.

Visit the Export-Import Virtual Tradeshow page for more information on how to register for this free event.