Celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week

For one week each year, entrepreneurship is collectively celebrated around the world.  This year Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is November 17 – 23, 2014.  It is the largest global celebration of the innovators and job creators, who launch start-ups that bring ideas to life and drive economic growth. It is a chance to celebrate entrepreneurship, and the joy and heartache experienced by small business owners.

What is GEW?

  • GEW is celebrated in 125 countries, from China to Monaco.
  • Over 24,000 organizations host 33,846 activities, events or competitions during this week.
  • Internationally, 7.43 million people participate as attendees, judges, speakers and more.
  • Futurpreneur Canada is the Canadian host of GEW for the sixth consecutive year.

Inspiring Self-Starters and Innovators

The purpose of GEW is to inspire self-starters and innovators to launch their own business. From boot camps and large-scale competitions to events to intimate networking, GEW gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to connect with potential collaborators, mentors and even investors.

Creating Awareness of the Importance of Entrepreneurship

But GEW is not just about events. It is also a platform for awareness: a chance to share with the world the importance of entrepreneurship as an economic driver.

During 2013 alone, 126 Heads of State and Ministers from 69 countries supported Global Entrepreneurship Week by speaking at activities, filming statements of support, or otherwise endorsing the national campaigns in their countries, including Prince Charles and President Barak Obama.

And with small business owners employing 69.7 percent of Canada’s total labour force economic impact is being rightfully recognized by all levels of government.

What’s Happening for GEW in BC?

There are over 500 events taking place across Canada during GEW. Vancouver is playing host to over one third of those events and in the lead to be named Most Entrepreneurial City in Canada.

Check out the activities taking place throughout the province at http://ca.gew.co and use this week as an opportunity to celebrate small business owners and start-ups. If you missed your chance in 2014 to participate, mark your calendar for 2015 and visit the website to take advantage of many global resources and connections. Be part of something huge!

@GEWCanada  #GEWCanada