CIAP Offers a Fantastic Opportunity for Female Entrepreneurs

Are you a female entrepreneur looking for an exciting new opportunity in the tech field? The Canada-India Acceleration Program (CIAP) is currently looking for applicants for an exciting new program.

Centred at Carleton University in Ottawa, CIAP empowers female entrepreneurs to avail of the exciting possibilities available in India. You will be provided funding for:

  • 1-week Bootcamp in Ottawa (fully funded)
  • Soft landing in India from 1-week to 3-months (with $5k of support for living expenses)
  • Investment competition (for up to $200k for the winning companies)

The expected outcomes of CIAP are:

  • Increased international sales for Canadian ventures
  • Growth opportunities for female entrepreneurs
  • Market diversification for Canadian technology ventures abroad

Program Components

The Bootcamp

This one-week, invitation only bootcamp is designed to help ventures grow early, rapidly and securely. It’s delivered through a mix of face-to-face sessions and online content delivery. The content is drawn from the GERS model and the bootcamp is going to be held in Ottawa during the week of October 22. Travel and living expenses will be covered for selected candidates.


Following completion of the bootcamp, candidates are offered soft-landing experiences (of up to three-months) in India chosen by CIAP-associated market experts. With funding support of $5,000 for living expenses, candidates will be able to avail of fully functional office space, mentorship, advisory services, dedicated sessions for co-development opportunities with Indian ventures, networking sessions, pitching sessions, as well as accommodation and basic food plans. It’s anticipated soft-landing will take place January-March 2019.


Upon return from India, the candidates have an opportunity to compete for up to $200,000 in seed funding. Candidates will be required to pitch to a CIAP-associated investment panel. If the pitch goes well, a formal contract will be designed to detail the partnership. The cost of the contract will be borne by the candidate.

Apply Now

Interested in applying? The qualification criteria are as follows:

Your incorporated venture must be Canadian and have:

  • A female entrepreneur in a senior position
  • A focus on technology
  • Annual revenues of less than $500,000

To apply, please visit the CIAP website. Good luck!

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