Creating Targeted Video Content to Reach Your Customers

While we see impressive statistics all the time regarding how important video is for your business and what the benefits are – let’s not forget that video, similar to a blog or an article, needs to have great content in it in order to work.

Quick Facts:

How to Create a Targeted Video Content For Your Video

Know Your Industry Keywords.

Check what your clients are searching for using Google’s Keyword Tool, then look for popular blogs and videos who target those words. Analyze each video to see how many people are watching it and if you could cover the topic better? Is there anything not mentioned that you can make a video about.

Always Address the Topic and Provide Clear Value.

At the beginning of the video, let the viewer know that they are at the right place tell what the topic is. Don’t start talking about yourself and who you are. When making a video about a topic, address it right away in simple steps.

Quality Content versus Quality Video Production.

Remember, your priority is relevant, quality content. The format of your video should be:

  • Explaining the topic e.g. watch this to see 5 ways to recycle coffee cups
  • 3-5 second introduction to you and your business
  • Explaining the problem e.g. coffee cups don’t get recycled and create pollution
  • Presenting the solution in concise steps
  • Recap or summary (really important!)
  • Call to action – watch my other videos, come to our café,subscribe etc.

Upload and Optimize Your Video.

When you upload your video to YouTube, mark it as “unlisted” first, and then optimize it.

Name your video with your keywords, don’t just put a fancy title. People have to be able to find your video. Write a description of what your video is all about, your website address and your contact information. Add/edit the caption of your video or upload a caption file and add your business location in the settings.

Like all web content, more is always better. Consider creating a video blog with that targeted content that eventually it covers all topics your clients might look to your business for help. This will benefit your clients and make your look like an expert in your field.

How Can Optimized Video Enhance Your Website SEO?

It was revealed by Forrester in 2009 that it is 50 times easier to reach the first page of Google search results with a video than it is with a web page, and here’s why:

Video is More Noticeable than Text.

In 2007, Google rolled out its Universal Search system, where the search results page included a blend of news, video, image, local and book results. This means that thumbnails of the videos appear in the search results, making them more eye-catching than plain-text links.

This was demonstrated in a study by Moz where they used eye-tracking systems and heat maps, to collect data from the search engine results pages (SERPs) of pizza shops. They found that when users searched “how to make a pizza”, viewers went directly to the first video thumbnail on the results page, and then to the text underneath, in an “F” pattern.

Quality Video Boosts Your Online Presence

SEO can be a complex topic, however, its basic concept is that Google monitors how often your website appears in searches, how long people stay on your content, and how relevant your information is for the topic.

Video can therefore help boost your ranking, as users are more likely to watch an entire video than read an article. And remember to embed the video on your website and in other blogs you write to help boost the number of opportunities for people to view it.

A really good video with a lot of engagement can get you up to the first page of Google, so it’s worth the effort you spend on it.

Learn More

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Plus, don’t forget that you can meet one-on-one with an expert to get specific information that applies to your business by booking an appointment with Small Business BC’s Ask the Expert service now.