Earth Hour: Save Energy and Promote Awareness

Every year, millions of people and businesses around the world join together to support the WWF’s Earth Hour, the largest environmental event in the world.

What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, when 2 million people turned out their lights as a symbolic commitment for action against climate change. Last year in Canada alone, 15 million people and businesses turned off their lights across 427 cities and municipalities. And this year they’re hoping it will be even bigger and better.

Organisers say that the event is not about telling you how to conduct your business; rather about providing you with the opportunity to reflect on how your business is contributing to stopping climate change. Think of it as an Environmental New Year.

When is Earth Hour?

This year Earth Hour will be on Saturday, March 31st, 2012 between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm.

How You Can Take Part

You can register your business on the WWF Earth Hour website by simply completing your name and email address.

By registering your business you are pledging to turn off all internal lights and all exterior lights to your business premises, including any signs.

Why Participate

By spreading the word to those you know, you’ll spread awareness of your company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact.  This will encourage existing clients and attract new clients to use a socially aware company.

Posters and other marketing materials are available through the Earth Hour website which can be displayed in your premises or on your website to help raise awareness of your pledge.

Go Beyond the Hour with your Low Carbon Commitment

Why not take it one step further and commit to a long term low carbon commitment?

Check out BC Hydro’s product incentive program and LiveSmart’s small business incentive program to find out how they can help identify energy savings your business and provide incentives to help you make those changes.

Alternatively check out the Pacific Carbon Trust who can help your business become carbon neutral by assessing your energy consumption and provide you with the ability to buy carbon offsets.

Here to Help

No matter what stage of business, or what problem you face, Small Business BC offers a range of seminars and one-on-one advisory sessions to suit any business.

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