Finding Your Social Media Voice

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools out there when building your business. It doesn’t cost a thing to start and implement, but it’s important to make sure that you’re heard within the sea of loud and proud narratives already out there.

Even though my business is the business of social media, I still faced the challenge of having to find my own voice. I was perplexed about how I could stand out as a beginner with all of the social media noise going on already.

I knew I needed to find a way to be unique and different, and I tried many things that just didn’t work. Then it dawned on me that all I had to do is ‘Find my own voice’.

Follow these daily steps to ensure that you’re showing off your best self every day.

Have a Personality

This one is easy. Be yourself! Simply post to your social media channels every day and show off your personality – within reason.

There’s no need to be perfect, or even look perfect. Your followers will identify more closely with you if you have a personality that they can connect with.

When creating a strong business brand, it is important to reflect that professionalism in your posts at all times. However, don’t try to be someone you are not. If you’re a specialist physician, use language that you would use when talking to your patients in person and be personable. You are building relationships so you need to be relatable.

Add Value

To stand out, you have to give something of value to your followers. There needs to be a reason for them to want to be a part of your life and business.

One of the best ways to provide value is to ask yourself whether you’re engaging with your audience. Are you being social online? Or are you just broadcasting products, services, promotions, etc.?

Engaging successfully with your followers requires social behavior. Share useful and valuable information from other Facebook pages to promote reciprocity, offer suggestions, make others laugh and tell good stories.

Social media is more about being real than it is about doing something. So don’t ever “do” social media. Just be social.

Care More

Care about your followers like you would for your circle of friends. Being social requires effort on your part to take interest in what others are doing, saying and what their stories are. Caring is the best way to develop strong relationships as a business. Show gratitude, show manners, appreciate and enjoy.

Be Real

You can’t fake passion or excitement. You must truly be inspired by what you do in your business. Let this come across over social media by taking the time to be real with your interactions.

Think Visual

For some platforms on social media, having a visual component is the best way  to communicate, so get a handle on this at the start by building a great strategy. ­­­­

Images get attention and encourage  your followers to react emotionally. When you have only a moment to stand out as a brand online, utilizing images, video or other visual aids is paramount.

Invest in having branded quotes or memes created for you. Have a business video made. Share by utilizing your smart phone as a camera and a video camera for selfies and quick videos to keep followers up to date on what you’re up to.

Social media is a powerful business tool. Remember to be social, caring, fun, creative and most importantly, yourself.

Learn More

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