Have You Got BC’s Hottest Start-up?

The Small Business BC Awards may have come and gone for the year, but there’s still time to enter the BCIC-New Ventures Competition. For the 18th year, New Ventures BC is giving away over $275,000 in cash and prizes to the most promising new tech ventures across British Columbia.

Not sure if it’s a fit? New Ventures BC applies a broad definition of technology; past entrants have been involved in endeavours as diverse as keyless entry for guest rentals, apps for the medical industry and new ways to read plant signals with drones. Technology is a broad church and there’s room for all types of innovation.

More than Just a Prize

While the cash and prizes are tempting, the competition is so much more. New Ventures BC offers educational opportunities, feedback from industry leaders and mentorship to the Top 40 finalists. There are industry specific prizes for the top placing social, health sciences and resource-based ventures. This province-wide event also features a cash prize for the top regional start-up.

What it Means to Win

On average, businesses reaching the Top 25 between 2012-2017 had a 79% survivorship rate, created 930 jobs, and raised 92 million dollars of financing. The likes of Ecoation Innovative Solutions, Edvisor, Awesense, Vonigo, Minesense and LightIntegra are just some of the amazing small businesses to previously win.

Who Can Enter?

The BCIC-New Ventures BC Competition is open to early-stage, BC-based start-ups. The business cannot have raised over $1 million dollars in financing, and must be less than five years old.

Get your application in by April 16, 2018, 11pm.