How to Go Green for Earth Day

It’s Earth Day today, and what better way to get involved than to find new ways to make your small business more environmentally-friendly?

Implementing environmentally-friendly practices in your business will often require little additional investment or effort to save you money. To get you started, here’s a round-up of Small Business BC’s best sustainability-themed articles packed with tips and advice on how your business can make a difference.

Make a Difference Now

From switching to energy-efficient lighting to powering off computers and appliances at the end of the day, there are plenty of ways your business can improve its energy efficiency right now.

See the Go Green and Save Big in Your Office article for easy-to-implement tips you can start using in your business today.

Think About Your Bottom Line

Sustainability isn’t just about saving the environment – it’s also about saving your business money. By paying closer attention to your energy costs and making a small investment in improved energy efficiency, you can free up cash flow and widen your profit margins.

Learn About Lighting

Here’s everything you ever needed to know about compact fluorescent bulbs and color temperature, but didn’t know to ask!

See the Getting Your Business in the Right Light article for information on how to upgrade to the right kind of energy-efficient bulbs for your business.

Know How to Market “Green”

Does your small business already undertake sustainability practices, or offer environmentally-friendly products or services? If so, there are a few essential guidelines to follow when marketing the green side of your business.

See the Successful Green Marketing article for tips on marketing your eco-conscious products or services.

Take It Beyond Earth Day

The best way to make sure your business has a positive, ongoing impact on the environment is to make a plan. A sustainability plan will help you set goals, lay out procedures for employees and ultimately measure your success.

See the Why You Should Be Thinking About Sustainability article for more information on how to build your sustainability plan.