How to Create a Winning Facebook Strategy for Your Business

In 2017, Facebook reached a gargantuan milestone – two billion users. That number is so big it’s not enough to compare it to a country. Instead, it would be the second most populated continent on earth behind only Asia. Does your business have a Facebook strategy?

With an audience this massive, it doesn’t take an expert to see the importance and potential value of Facebook advertising. Where some expertise is needed, though, is plotting a strategy for how to maximize your return on investment.

Getting Started on a Facebook Strategy

The first step in the process is the creation of a dedicated Facebook page for your business. Start by visiting Facebook’s Pages section and clicking the “create page” button in the top right-hand corner. You can then select the type of page you want, alongside the public facing information you want potential customers to see. Choose a profile picture that’s at least 400 x 400 pixels. Most companies will place their logo in this space. You can also select a cover photo that will display at the top of your page. This image should be twice as wide as it’s tall and feel free to update it regularly.

Growing Your Facebook Following

Your page is now set up and all you need to do is bring customers through the doors. This starts with a winning Facebook strategy; one that will elicit a response and get visitors to smash that like button.

Content Marketing

Content isn’t just written blogs or newsletters. It encompasses images, video and written copy. Lean on interesting imagery you have of your business. This will grab visitors’ attention and entice them to click to take a closer look. If you have the infrastructure to create videos, these will be even more effective at encouraging visitors to become invested. Think of the most common questions you receive from customers. Craft blogs around these topics and share them on social.

Leverage Your Existing Customers

If you’ve already invested the time to build a strong email list for your business, reach out to inform them of your Facebook page and the exciting content they’ll be able to find there. Encourage them to like the page with a relevant call to action and add a link to your Facebook page in all future e-blasts. This will ensure new subscribers to your newsletter are always presented with the link.

Facebook as a Promo Vehicle

Facebook can also be used more aggressively to promote your business. Offer incentives, such as discounts, to customers who like your page. This can take the form of a one-time discount, or an ongoing promotion. Leverage your cover image or profile picture to promote the special offer. This ensures visitors are instantly aware of the offering and the value it represents.

Not in a position to offer a widespread discount? No problem! Contests provide an amazing alternative. After all, everyone loves an opportunity to win a prize! Consider offering a once-off prize for visitors who like your Facebook page within a certain timeframe.

To Boost or Not to Boost?

Interested in spending a little money on Facebook Advertising? Unsurprisingly, Facebook favours businesses who invest in their marketing platform. The good news is, it doesn’t take a massive spend to make an impact. If one of your posts or contests is gaining traction on the platform, consider spending a small sum to reach a much larger audience. Ads can be tailored for a target demographic of your choosing, ensuring your dollars are being invested in a meaningful way.

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No matter what stage of business, or what problem you face, Small Business BC offers a range of seminars and one-on-one advisory sessions to suit any business.

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