Improve Your Supply Chain and Improve Your Bottom Line

Entrepreneurs are always looking for the next big efficiency that will save them money. Every advantage you can find, no matter how small, can make a huge difference to your bottom line. And, for a growing business, smoothing out the wrinkles in your supply chain will boost revenue and get your enterprise on more solid footing.

Supply chain management is how your business handles client orders, from production to delivery of the product. During this time, components of the product will change hands many times. It typically starts with manufacturing, before moving on to storage, shipping, and, eventually, to the point of delivery. Making this process as lean and efficient as possible reduces your costs and increases your all-important bottom line.

We spoke to Dana Matheson, Langley’s “Business Person of the Year” and CEO of C&D Logistics, to get his tips for improving your small business supply chain:

Watch the Details

So many businesses are sloppy with their logistics. This costs time in lost or missed shipments, and staffing hours to try and fix. Ensure you are accurate with all the details of your shipment. From pick-up location through to the dimensions of the freight. Getting the details right will cut down on one of the biggest causes of waste in logistics.

Understand the Regulations

If you’re at the stage of shipping internationally (or receiving shipments from abroad), familiarize yourself with government regulations. Well prepared customs documents and a good customs partner can save you thousands of dollars.

Package Well

How are you packaging your freight? Really nailing the packaging reduces the risk involved in transportation and saves shipping costs. If your product is fragile, ensuring it’s packaged safely cuts down on wasted product.

Build Relationships

Networking is one of the keys to business success. Get to know your logistics partner. They can provide you with advice around shipping, customs, packaging and solutions for all your freight needs. C&D Logistics are based in Langley, and ready to help entrepreneurs around the province.

Here to Help

No matter what stage of business, or what problem you face, Small Business BC offers a range of seminars and one-on-one advisory sessions to suit any business.

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