Mobile Marketing: You Can’t Afford Not To

You may not have considered mobile marketing to be a top priority for your business – however results from a recent survey conducted by Insights West and iamota suggests that brands cannot afford to ignore connecting with their clients via mobile technologies. In fact, doing so may negatively impact your brand!

Growth in Smartphone Users

The number of mobile users and types of mobile use are continuing to grow, with over 68 percent of British Columbians owning of a smartphone in 2014. This number increases to 93 percent for those aged 18-34.

What is particularly interesting is how smartphone owners are using their devices. Almost three-quarters (73%) of those surveyed used their smartphone to research products or services and 42 percent do so weekly. Other popular types of mobile interaction mentioned were: taking pictures (96%), accessing social media (77%), reading online news (74%), and checking or comparing prices of products while in store (57%).

Increased Usage

The survey found that smartphone users are now spending more time on their devices than ever before, reporting an average of two hours per day or 13 hours and 42 minutes per week. This is only slightly lower than the average 14 hours and 12 minutes per week spent watching TV.

Finally, 71 percent of users agree that they’re using their devices, and doing more with them, than they were last year. This indicates that mobile phone usage is becoming more and more integrated into everyday life and that the smartphone has become the tool for interaction both socially and for business.

Creating the Right Impression

What may be most important from the findings is the reaction mobile users have to companies that are not as mobile friendly.

Half of British Columbians (48%) agree that they “think less of brands with websites that are poor on [their] mobile device.” Similarly, over half (54%) indicate that they are “more likely to do business with brands and companies with high quality mobile websites and apps.”

Smartphone users enjoy the ability to be connected and to find information easily while on the go, and it seems that they expect the business world to reflect these desires. As mobile ownership and usage increases, it will be crucial for small businesses to have a strong mobile presence, and the results indicate that your customers will think more of you for it. A positive mobile experience for clients has the potential to directly impact sales of your product and services and according to our results – you can’t afford not to!

Read Insights West and iamota’s full 2014 Smartphone Report here.


iamotaiamota is a mobile first digital agency based in Yaletown, Vancouver. They create remarkable digital experiences for people across all screens. iamota has been focused on digital for 19 years and mobile for the past 10 years. That’s three years before the iPhone and all the mobile hype. Today, their digital work is experienced across various screens by millions of consumers each month. And it all starts with a philosophy of making their clients’ lives easier.