New LNG Opportunities for Small Business

The BC Government has launched pre-registration for a new tool for businesses in our province. The tool enables you to connect with major projects in the LNG industry. Helping promote and market your business internationally  for both export and direct investment. 

What is LNG-Buy BC?

LNG is expected to create up to $1 trillion for the BC economy  over the next 30 years. To help BC businesses connect with LNG opportunities and earn a piece of this forecasted money, the government will be launching the LNG-Buy BC Online Tool this fall. 
The tool will keep you up-to-date on current opportunities and help you connect with potential clients, suppliers and partners. 

The key features of the tool are: 

  • An automatic opportunity matching system 
  • One-step expression of interest for all businesses and opportunities
  • Tracking and change notifications for all opportunites
  • Ability to tailor searches to your location(s)

Available Support

Doing business with large multinational companies can have it’s own unique and special requirments. To help you gain a better understand of what these are (health and safety systems, certifications, business processes etc), the government has partnered with the Northern Development Initiative Trust to deliver Supplier Bootcamps and Request for Proposal (RFP) Seminars. Having already delivered ten LNG-Buy BC Bootcamps and eight Hop to Respond to an RFP Workshop between April 1 and June 30, they have two further LNG bootcamps scheduled for this fall, including:

Contact that Northern Development Initiative Trust for further information.

Pre-Register Today

To pre-register for the LNG-Buy BC Online Tool, click here.