Nominations for the 2015 SBBC Awards are Open

For the last eleven years October 1st has signified the start of the Small Business BC Awards. The awards recognize the outstanding achievements to BC’s entrepreneurs and celebrate the contribution they make to both their local community and the global economy.

The awards have a simple four-stage process, with rewards at every step.

1. Nominations and Voting. Whether you’re nominating your own business or a business you love, businesses must be registered before November 30, 2014. Once nominated, it’s time to collect as many votes as possible. So let your employees, customers, friends and family know. And remember it’s only one vote per person, so increase your votes through social media, email and your website.

2. Top 10 Semi-Finals. So you’ve convinced your community what makes you the best, now it’s time to show our judges. As a finalist, you will be asked to complete an online application outlining why you deserve to win the award.

3. Top 5 Finals. You’ve proved your business is amazing it’s time to convince our panel of business experts why your business trumps the other finalists in our category. Our Dragons’ Den Style pitches will be held at Small Business BC in Vancouver, but if you’re from another community, you can always present your pitch over Skype.

4. Awards Ceremony. It’s time to celebrate all your hard work and have some fun. And of course find out who will be honoured with a Small Business BC Awards.

Two New Awards

This year we’re pleased to add two new award categories to the Small Business BC Awards. These awards will honour the hard working committed individuals from diverse backgrounds who understand both the value of community and the opportunity to live and work in our wonderful province.

Best Emerging Entrepreneur Award

The Best Emerging Entrepreneur Award recognizes a young individual who contributes to the social, cultural and economic well-being of their communities. This individual has demonstrated community leadership and entrepreneurial initiative, and has a strong vision for change.

Find out more about the Best Emerging Entrepreneur Award.

Best Immigrant Entrepreneur Award

The Best Immigrant Entrepreneur Award, recognizes an outstanding new Canadian who has started a successful business in BC. This individual has overcome adversity, exhibits leadership both in their community and within their business, and has strong track record of business growth.

Find out more about the Best Immigrant Entrepreneur Award.

Nominate Today!

So what are you waiting for? Nominate your small business, or a business you love, today!