Resources for Small Businesses Affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)

UPDATE – 2020-04-16


This resource page has now been transitioned across to our new B.C. Business COVID-19 Support Service website. We will no longer be making any updates to this page, so please see the latest updates at or clicking the button below.


The immediate impacts of COVID-19 are being felt by businesses across British Columbia. As entrepreneurs try to figure out their own unique path forward, we’ve gathered the latest resources to help prepare small businesses to get through this challenging time.

This blog was last updated April 16th at 09:30am.

Latest Updates: April 16th

Small Business BC Launches B.C. Business COVID-19 Support Service – April 16th, 09:30am

Working alongside our partners at the B.C. government, and Government of Canada, Small Business BC has launched the B.C. Business COVID-19 Support Service. This one-stop resource has been created to answer questions about supports available to businesses from the provincial and federal governments, industry and community partners.

The Support Service will be operated by Small Business BC and advisors are available Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm (Pacific time) and Saturday from 10am to 4pm at 1-833-254-4357. Inquiries can also be emailed to, or raised on our live-chat feature available at

Prime Minister Announces Expanded Access to CERB – April 15th, 10:25am

To help more Canadians benefit from the CERB, the government will be changing the eligibility rules to:

  • Allow people to earn up to $1,000 per month while collecting the CERB.
  • Extend the CERB to seasonal workers who have exhausted their EI regular benefits and are unable to undertake their usual seasonal work as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Extend the CERB to workers who recently exhausted their EI regular benefits and are unable to find a job or return to work because of COVID-19.

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Receives Royal Assent – April 14th, 9:55am

The Government of Canada’s Emergency Wage Subsidy support is a step closer to reality after receiving Royal Assent over the weekend. More details of the program are expected to be released in the coming days.

Canada Emergency Business Account Opens for Applications – April 9th, 2:20pm

The Government of Canada is committed to taking immediate, significant and decisive action to help Canadians deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of their COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, they have created the Canada Emergency Business Account, which is now open for applications. Click the link above to find out eligibility criteria, and how to apply through your financial institution.

Applications Open for BC Temporary Rental Supplement – April 9th, 1:25pm

Renters who are experiencing a loss of income during the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for the Province’s new temporary rental supplement.

The program will provide $300 per month for eligible households with no dependents and $500 per month for eligible households with dependents. Eligible roommates will each be able to apply for the supplement.

Province of BC: New Virtual Mental Health Supports on the Way – April 9th, 12:00pm

To ensure British Columbians have increased access to vital mental health supports during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Province has announced $5 million to expand existing mental health programs and services and launch new services to support British Columbians.

“If you are feeling anxious, stressed, depressed or disconnected because of COVID-19, I want you to know that you are not alone,” said Premier John Horgan. “Our government is working to give you more options for mental health support as we all stay home to prevent the spread of this virus.”

  • General Information Resources

    Government of Canada Announces Further Flexibility Re: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy – April 8th, 12:10pm

    The Government of Canada has announced changes to the eligibility criteria for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to allow more businesses to qualify for the support.

    WorkSafeBC – Small Business and COVID-19 Safety – April 7th, 2:10pm.

    Our partners at WorkSafeBC have produced this comprehensive resource on ensuring your business continues to operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    ITBC Emergency Relief Funds Program for Indigenous Tourism Businesses – April 7th, 9:25am.

    The COVID-19 Emergency Relief Funds Program, offered by Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC) will provide emergency relief to market-ready Indigenous tourism businesses to address immediate and short-term needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has shuttered the 2020 tourism season. ITBC understands the importance of offering an immediate, short-term financial grant, which is up to $5,000.00 per market-ready Indigenous tourism business.

    Catch up with SBBC’s Free COVID-19 Webinars – April 6th, 2:50pm.

    Over the past few weeks, we have held several free webinars geared at equipping businesses in our province with the skills and knowledge they need to survive the new realities of our COVID economy.

    In case you missed these sessions, they’re available to watch on-demand. Click the link above to view the recordings.

    Applications Open for Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) – April 6th, 09:00am

    Discover how to apply for CERB, who is eligible and other quick facts about the benefit.

    Humi: A Summary of Canada’s 75% Wage Subsidy – April 4th, 12:50pm

    HR specialists Humi have broken down the basics of the Canada Temporary Wage Subsidy program. Click the link above to find out more details.

    Province of BC Announces Relief on Power Bills During COVID-19 – April 1st, 2:25pm

    Key Points:

    • BC Hydro will offer new, targeted bill relief to provide immediate help to those most in need.
    • Residential customers who have lost their jobs or are unable to work as a result of COVID-19 will receive a credit to help cover the cost of their electricity bills. The credit will be three times their average monthly bill over the past year at their home and does not have to be repaid.
    • Small businesses that have been forced to close due to COVID-19 will have their power bills forgiven for three months. BC Hydro is waiving bills for these customers from April to June 2020.
    • Major industries, like pulp and paper mills and mines, will have the opportunity to defer 50% of their bill payments for three months.

    Supply Products and Services to Support BC’s COVID-19 Response – April 1st, 11:30am

    Are you a business that can supply products and services in support of B.C.’s COVID-19 response?

    As worldwide demand increases, the B.C. Government is looking for both medical and non-medical products and services to help with the response. Discover the products and services needed, and how your business can help fulfill the need.

    BC’s Non-Medical COVID-19 Hotline – April 1st, 9:10am

    British Columbia is creating a new information hotline solely dedicated to answering non-medical questions about COVID-19.

    Service providers at the new phone line will help answer questions about travel recommendations, social distancing, and what kinds of support, resources and assistance are available from the provincial and federal governments.

    The new hotline, which can be reached by calling 1-888-COVID19 or 1-888-268-4319, will be staffed from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day with information available in more than 110 languages.

    Better Business Bureau: Avoiding Scams During COVID-19 – March 31st, 4:05pm

    The Better Business Bureau reminds everyone to remain vigilant to avoid scams related to the virus, use necessary, common sense precautions when traveling, and find reliable sources to stay informed about what to do as the virus spreads. Click the link to view common scams to be aware of.

    WorkSafeBC: Preventing Exposure to COVID-19 in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers – March 31st, 11:25am

    Orders from the provincial health officer (PHO) and guidance to employers and businesses provided by them BC Centre of Disease Control represent the minimum standard that employers must meet, to comply with obligations to ensure worker health and safety. This guide for employers provides questions you should ask to address health and safety concerns in the workplace raised by COVID-19.

    Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic response Plan – March 31st, 9:00am

    Find information on Federal Government programs, resources and supports in this handy web portal.

    Prime Minister Trudeau Provides Further Details on 75% Wage Subsidy for Businesses – March 30th, 9:40am

    In his morning address from Rideau Cottage, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced details of the 75% wage subsidy for Canadian businesses:

    Details for Businesses:

    • Businesses qualify for the subsidy if revenues have dropped 30% or more as a result of COVID-19
    • Number of employees is not a factor
    • Benefit also applies for non-profits and charities

    Details for Employees:

    • Benefit covers up to 75% on the first $58,000 earned per year
    • A maximum of $847 per week
    • Benefit will be backdated to March 15th

    SBBC Welcomes Additional Government of Canada Supports for Small Businesses – March 27th, 1:50pm

    The Federal Government has announced further steps to support small businesses in Canada and the employees of those businesses. Small Business BC is extremely pleased to see increases in wage subsidies and assistance to help business owners with fixed expenses. These are two areas where we know businesses owners need relief during this time.

    Government of Canada Announces Additional Supports for Small Businesses – March 27th, 10:30am

    The Government of Canada is making additional investments to support Canadian businesses from the economic impacts of COVID-19. These new investments provide support to financial institutions and allow them to quickly provide credit and liquidity options for a range of businesses.

    Key Points:

    • A major increase to the wage subsidy for small- and medium-sized businesses, boosting it to 75 per cent, up from the 10 per cent previously promised.
    • Launching a special account for small businesses, offering interest-free loans and billions more in assistance on cash-flow
    • A deferral in HST and GST is also coming

    Futurpreneur COVID-19 Resources for Small Business – March 27th, 2:45pm

    Our friends at Futurpreneur remain available to assist entrepreneurs during this challenging period. They have gathered a list of resources, and are offering a range of webinars to support small businesses in British Columbia.

    BC Farmers’ Markets Online to Open Soon – March 27th, 10:05am

    During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets (BCAFM) is helping member markets move to an online model to continue providing consumers with locally grown and prepared food products.

    British Columbians can find a farmers market near them and see which markets have launched online operations in the weeks and months ahead at:

    The B.C. government is providing $55,000 to the BCAFM to cover fees for individual farmers markets to join the online platform and set up their digital market store presence. Each participating farmers market will create its own virtual market store to best serve its communities.

    Webinar: Staying Resilient in Extraordinary Times

    Friday, April 3rd, 
    09:00am to 10:00am

    In the coming weeks and months, Canadian businesses will face an unprecedented test of their resiliency due to COVID-19. How they respond during this time will make all the difference. Join leadership coach and consultant Christina Kikiforuk to learn how to practice resiliency as a small business. This free one-hour seminar will focus on the following key points:

    • Practical strategies for self-care as leader in your organization
    • Benefits of building personal resiliency
    • Tips on how to build resiliency among your team

    Covid-19 and Your Lease (Blog from Benchmark Law) – March 26th, 3:45pm

    Our friends from Benchmark Law have created this blog post to share information with small businesses who have questions about the impact of COVID-19 on their commercial leases.

    Government of Canada Calls on Businesses to Supply Essential Goods – March 26th, 10:40am

    The Government of Canada has produced a list of the essential goods and services it needs to help combat COVID-19. If your business is capable of producing any of the goods on the list, they’d love to hear from you. To learn more about the process of selling goods to the Government of Canada, join us tomorrow, March 27th for a FREE webinar from 3-4pm.

    Supplying Essential Goods and Services to the Government of CanadaWebinar

    COVID-19 Supports for Small Businesses in B.C. Resource – March 26th, 12:35pm

    Governments and the private sector are providing a wide-range of supports for small businesses in British Columbia affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of B.C.’s COVID-19 Action Plan, the B.C. government is providing an additional $5 billion in income supports, tax relief and funding for people, businesses and services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Find details and links to all the currently available resources in this handy PDF.

    Province of BC Announces Supports for Renters, Landlords – March 25th, 1:50pm

    To support people and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Province is introducing a new temporary rental supplement, halting evictions and freezing rents, among other actions.

    The new rental supplement will help households by offering up to $500 a month towards their rent, building on federal and provincial financial supports already announced for British Columbians facing financial hardship.

    Key Details: 

    • The new temporary rent supplement will provide up to $500 per month, paid directly to landlords.
    • Halting evictions by ensuring a landlord may not issue a new notice to end tenancy for any reason. However, in exceptional cases where it may be needed to protect health and safety or to prevent undue damage to the property, landlords will be able to apply to the Residential Tenancy Branch for a hearing.
    • Halting the enforcement of existing eviction notices issued by the Residential Tenancy Branch, except in extreme cases where there are safety concerns. The smaller number of court ordered evictions are up to the courts, which operate independently of government.
    • Freezing new annual rent increases during the state of emergency.
    • Preventing landlords from accessing rental units without the consent of the tenant (for example, for showings or routine maintenance), except in exceptional cases where it is  needed to protect health and safety or to prevent undue damage to the unit.
    • Restricting methods that renters and landlords can use to serve notices to reduce the potential transmission of COVID-19 (no personal service and allowing email).
    • Allowing landlords to restrict the use of common areas by tenants or guests to protect against the transmission of COVID-19.

    5 Tips for Maintaining Mental Health During COVID-19 – March 25th, 12:40pm

    Anxiety, stress and doubt are perfectly normal reactions to the uncertain times we live in. For many of us, COVID-19 has thrust the future into an uncertain light, laying waste to carefully laid plans and forcing us to pivot into situations we aren’t accustomed to. Not only are we grappling with a public health emergency, there’s also economic anxiety and the removal of our usual in-person social interactions. While we may not be able to control what’s happening around the world, we retain complete control over how we let it affect us.

    In this article, we’ve put together five simple tips for maintaining mental health during COVID-19.

    Government of Canada Introduces Emergency Response Benefit – March 25th, 11:15am

    To support workers and help businesses keep their employees, the government has proposed legislation to establish the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This taxable benefit would provide $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CERB would be a simpler and more accessible combination of the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit.

    Key Details: The government is working to get money into the pockets of Canadians as quickly as possible. The portal for accessing the CERB will be available in early April. EI eligible Canadians who have lost their job can continue to apply for EI here, as can Canadians applying for other EI benefits.

    First Nations Community Guide on Accessing COVID-19 Supports – March 24th, 12:00pm

    In order to support First Nations in preparing for, and responding to, COVID-19, the Government of Canada announced several funding tracks through which First Nations communities can access resources. Click the link to find out more.

    How to Find Out if Your Business Qualifies for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy – March 24th, 11:30am

    The Canada Revenue Agency has now released a more detailed breakdown of who is eligible and how the subsidy will be implemented.

    This helpful article from CBC explains what you need to know.

    Province of BC Announces Two Significant Changes to Employment Standards Act – March 24th, 11:00am

    The Province has made two significant changes to the Employment Standards Act to better support workers both during the COVID-19 public health emergency and in the long term.

    Firstly, changes will allow workers to immediately take unpaid, job-protected leave if they are unable to work for reasons relating to COVID-19. This means workers who are ill, need to self-isolate, need to care for their child or other dependent, or whose employer is concerned that the employee may expose others to risk, will be able to take leave without putting their job at risk.

    Secondly, to better support workers on an ongoing basis, the changes also provide up to three days of unpaid, job-protected leave each year for people who cannot work due to illness or injury. This is a permanent change to the act that brings B.C. in line with all other provinces in Canada.

    Financing Options for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 – March 23rd, 3:05pm

    Financing options are beginning to come on stream to help entrepreneurs weather the challenges posed by COVID-19. Small business owners are recommended to begin by talking to their financial provider, with most allowing additional flexibility around payments. Beyond that, there are several other options available.

    Province of BC Announces COVID-19 Action PlanMarch 23rd 1:35pm

    British Columbians affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will benefit from $5 billion in income supports, tax relief and direct funding for people, businesses and services.

    The COVID-19 Action Plan is government’s first step to provide relief to people and businesses in British Columbia. The plan dedicates $2.8 billion to help people and fund the services they need to weather the crisis; $2.2 billion will provide relief to businesses and help them recover after the outbreak.

    Facebook Offers $100m in Support for Small BusinessesMarch 23rd, 10:30am

    Facebook is offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries where they operate. Details on how to apply will be released soon.

    Frequently Asked Questions – Temporary Wage Subsidy for EmployersMarch 23rd, 9:50am

    The Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers is a three-month measure that will allow eligible employers to reduce the amount of payroll deductions required to be remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Click the link above to find out more about this important program.

    Frequently Asked Questions Regarding COVID-19 for Small BusinessMarch 20th, 3:50pm

    Small Business BC is here to help British Columbia’s entrepreneurs navigate the unique challenges posed by COVID-19. Our team have been hard at work via phone and email responding to client questions on a wide range of subjects relating to the impact on small businesses.

    We’ve gathered the most common questions (and best information we currently have at hand to answer) in one convenient place for our community to reference.

    An Update on COVID-19’s Impact on the BC Small Business CommunityMarch 20th, 10:05am

    Small Business BC, and several partner organizations, ran a survey to understand the specific impacts businesses in our province are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    We were blown away by the response we received, with almost 8,000 businesses taking the time to share their feedback. We wanted to share with you some of the data points.

    Government of Canada Launches COVID-19 Resources Page for Canadian BusinessesMarch 20th, 1:45pm

    Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the Canadian economy. During this extraordinary time, the Government of Canada is taking strong action to help Canadian businesses as COVID-19 is affecting them, their employees and their families. This page aggregates the key information points for business owners.

    The Canada Business App also offers a free smartphone resource with a dedicated section for COVID-19 information for business owners.

    Join Our Digital Meetups

    We believe this is a time, more than ever, for small businesses to come together to help each other overcome challenges and find solutions.

    To help facilitate this, SBBC are pleased to share our new Digital Meetups, a community video call for the small businesses community during COVID-19. Every working day, we will be hosting a Digital Meetup focused around one pressing issue re:COVID-19: from how to generate revenue, to employment law, all specific to small businesses. We’ll be hosting a digital meetup each work day, click the link above to find out more and register to attend. Registration is free!

    How to Apply for Employment Insurance During COVID-19March 19th, 10:25am

    Visit this website to apply for EI benefits. Afterwards, you can apply to have the one-week waiting period waived by calling the government’s toll-free number at 1-833-381-2725.

    What if I don’t qualify for EI?

    The recently announced federal aid package also includes the Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit.

    The Emergency Care Benefit provides up to $900 every two weeks for up to 15 weeks, to those affected by COVID-19. It’s intended for those who don’t qualify for EI, can’t go to work and don’t have paid sick leave.

    Both benefit plans will be available to apply for in April, through the CRA website, and a toll-free number that has not yet been shared.

    COVID-19: Managing and Pivoting During a Time of CrisisMarch 18th, 4:55pm

    In our latest article, we provide some practical ideas and inspiration to help you manage your business in this uniquely challenging time.

    Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and BusinessesMarch 18th, 1:25pm

    The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant and decisive action to help Canadians facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

    On March 18, 2020, the Prime Minister announced a new set of economic measures to help stabilize the economy during this challenging period. These measures, delivered as part of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, will provide up to $27 billion in direct support to Canadian workers and businesses.

    Prime Minister Announces Supports for Workers and BusinessesMarch 18th, 08:30am

    The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced a new set of economic measures to help stabilize the economy and help Canadians affected by the impacts of this challenging period.

    These measures include:


    • Provide eligible businesses a 10 per cent wage subsidy for the next 90 days up to a maximum of $1,375 per employee and $25,000 per employer. Employers benefiting from this measure would include corporations eligible for the small business deduction, as well as not-for-profit organisations and charities.
    • Allow all businesses to defer, until after August 31, 2020, the payment of any income tax amounts that become owing on or after today and before September 2020. This relief would apply to tax balances due, as well as instalments, under Part I of the Income Tax Act. No interest or penalties will accumulate on these amounts during this period. This measure will result in businesses having more money available during this period.
    • Increase the credit available to small, medium, and large Canadian businesses. As announced on March 13, a new Business Credit Availability Program will provide more than $10 billion of additional support to businesses experiencing cash flow challenges through the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada. The Government is ready to provide more capital through these financial Crown corporations.
    • Further expand Export Development Canada’s ability to provide support to domestic businesses.
    • Provide flexibility on the Canada Account limit, to allow the Government to provide additional support to Canadian businesses, when deemed to be in the national interest, to deal with exceptional circumstances.
    • Augment credit available to farmers and the agri-food sector through Farm Credit Canada.
    • Launch an Insured Mortgage Purchase Program to purchase up to $50 billion of insured mortgage pools through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). As announced on March 16, this will provide stable funding to banks and mortgage lenders and support continued lending to Canadian businesses and consumers. CMHC stands ready to further support liquidity and the stability of the financial markets through its mortgage funding programs as necessary. The Government will enable these measures by raising CMHC’s legislative limits to guarantee securities and insure mortgages by $150 billion each.


    • Additional assistance to families with children by temporarily boosting Canada Child Benefit payments. This will deliver almost $2 billion in extra support
    • Introduction of an Emergency Care Benefit of up to $900 bi-weekly for up to 15 weeks to provide income support to workers who must stay home and don’t have access to paid sick leave
    • An Emergency Support Benefit delivered through the CRA to provide up to $5 billion in support to workers not eligible for EI and who are facing unemployment
    • Waive, for a minimum of six months, the mandatory one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits for workers in imposed quarantine or who have been directed to self-isolate
    • Waive the requirement for medical certificate to access EI sickness benefits
    • Extend the tax filing deadline for individuals to June 1, and allow taxpayers to defer, until after August 31, 2020, the payment of any income tax amounts that become owing

    What Employers Need to Know About Temporary LayoffsMarch 19th, 2:20pm

    While we encourage each employer to do everything in their power to avoid layoffs, we understand there’s a need for this information and we want to service that need. This article explains how to handle temporary layoffs, covering information on how employees can apply for EI.

    BDC Increasing Financing Options for Businesses Affected by COVID-19

    As announced by the Finance Minister, BDC is increasing the amount of financing available to entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 outbreak.

    Trade Commissioner – Resources for Canadian Businesses 

    This page aggregates official Government of Canada news and releases for COVID-19. It contains information on supporting employees during this time, financial implications, business travel, and import/export.

    WorkSafe BC – What Workers and Employers Need to Know About Coronavirus

    Public health officials have currently identified that the risk of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading within British Columbia is low, and WorkSafeBC is continuing to monitor the progression of the virus. Here are some measures to help keep your workplace safe.

    These measures include:

    • Regular handwashing, especially after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
    • Handwashing should be thorough and take at least 20 seconds
    • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    • Avoid touching the face with unwashed hands
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
    • Encourage staff to stay home when sick

    British Columbia Economic Development Association COVID-19 Resources

    The British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA) is deeply concerned about the impacts COVID-19 will have not only on individuals, but also local, Indigenous and regional communities.  The impact on businesses and the employees should be an important consideration and as such they are doing their best to provide updated information as it comes available.

    Planning for Coronavirus: A Guide for Businesses and Organizations

    Coronavirus: Workplace and Employer Resources and Suggestions

    Prime Minister Outlines Canada’s COVID-19 Response

    The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has outlined Canada’s whole-of-government response to COVID-19, by establishing a more than $1 billion COVID-19 Response Fund. This comprehensive approach includes measures already underway to respond to the outbreak, as well as new investments to limit the spread of the virus in Canada and prepare for its possible broader impacts on our people, our economy, and our small businesses.

    Of particular note for small business owners are the following points:

    • Provide support to workers in quarantine or who have been directed to self-isolate who will claim Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits by waiving the mandatory one-week waiting period so they can be paid for the first week of their claim. We are exploring additional measures to support other affected Canadians, including income support for those who are not eligible for EI sickness benefits.
    • Introduce enhancements to the Work-Sharing program to help support employers and their workers who are experiencing a downturn in business due to COVID-19. Work-sharing helps keep workers employed and able to receive income support even as their hours of work may be reduced. These enhancements will double the length of time that employers and workers are eligible to use work-share from 38 to 76 weeks, and streamline processes so help can be accessed as soon as possible.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Awareness Resources

    These downloadable resources can be printed and displayed in the workplace to highlight best practices in hygiene and disease prevention.

    World Health Organization – Getting Your Workplace Ready for COVID-19

    This downloadable PDF contains simple, common sense and low-cost measures for preventing the spread of infections in the workplace to protect employees, customers and contractors.

    BC Centre for Disease Control Information Page

    Designed in an easy to digest, frequently asked questions format, the BC Centre for Disease Control Information Page contains answers to many common questions surrounding COVID-19.

    U.S. Center for Disease Control – Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers COVID-19

    This comprehensive document contains strategies businesses can implement immediately to lessen the risks their team members face from COVID-19. Originally produced for a U.S. audience, the common-sense tips can be easily implemented by Canadian businesses.

    Healthlink BC COVID-19 Latest Updates

    Healthlink BC’s information page contains general updates regarding COVID-19 news, prevention tips and information on self-monitoring/self-isolation. Their 8-1-1 number allows anyone with COVID-19 concerns to speak to a health service navigator at any time who can provide information and advice.

    Office of the BC Provincial Health Officer – COVID-19 Updates

    To support BC’s health care providers, this web resource has been established to provide a centralized, current, and evidence-based source of information about this emerging health issue in BC.

    Coronavirus Information for Employers – Harris & Company Workplace Law

    Written by an expert in employment law, this blog contains frequently asked questions relating to employment law, sick leave and staff members facing quarantine situations.

    Tips for Looking After Mental Health During COVID-19

    Peak Resilience are offering a crowd-sourced list of mental health resources and tips during this time.

  • Resources for Creating a Crisis Plan

    Business Continuity & COVID-19 Small Business Checklist 

    Small Business BC and the B.C. Government Small Business Branch have prepared a joint informational electronic resource that provides a checklist of considerations that small businesses can use to help minimize the impacts of COVID-19 to their employees and operations.

    This checklist is also available in the following languages:

    Calling All Suppliers: Help Canada Fight COVID-19March 19th, 3:15pm

    Are you a business that can supply products and services in support of Canada’s response to COVID-19? The Government of Canada wants to hear from you! Click the above link to find out how your business can get involved and help make a difference.

    Prepared BC – Make Your Emergency Plan

    An emergency plan (or crisis plan) is a guideline for how you and your business will respond to a disaster. Knowing what to do can reduce anxiety and help keep staff focused and safe. Consult Prepared BC’s Guide for Small Business and Small Business Emergency Plan to learn more.

    Province of British Columbia Pandemic Preparedness Plan

    The provincial government is currently drafting a specific COVID-19 pandemic plan based on the existing BC Pandemic Influenza Response plan. As new COVID-19 materials are produced, they will be published on this page. Visitors can also reference earlier, flu-specific pandemic plans for reference.

    10 Tips for Disaster Proofing Your Business – Small Business BC

    Depending on where your business is located in British Columbia, you face a number of potential threats. These 10 tips provide basic guidance for disaster proofing your business.

    Webinar: Two-Part Disaster Preparedness Series

    In 2018, Small Business BC hosted a two-part seminar series focused on how to disaster proof your business. Attendees were given instruction on how to build a preparedness plan, how to communicate with staff and customers during a disaster, alongside a primer on disaster insurance.

    Canadian Chamber of Commerce Pandemic Preparedness Plan

    This fantastic resource contains tips for creating a Crisis Communications Plan, as well as a Business Continuity and Recovery Plan.

    Eight Questions Employers Should Ask About COVID-19 – Harvard Business Review

    From preventing employee exposure, to benefits and remote working, this article covers common questions employers are asking surrounding COVID-19.

  • Business Travel

    Latest Travel Advice from the Government of Canada

    The Government of Canada is now recommending Canadians avoid ALL non-essential travel outside of Canada.

    If you are still considering travelling:

    If you are outside of Canada:

    • Find out what commercial options are still available to return to Canada. Consider returning to Canada earlier than planned if these options are becoming more limited.
    • Ensure that you have sufficient finances and necessities, including medication, in case your travels are disrupted.

    Latest Travel Advice from the World Health Organization

    This document provides the latest updated recommendations for international travel. Considering the rapidly evolving situation it is updated frequently with the latest information.

    Tourism Update from Destination British Columbia

    With the busy summer travel season on the horizon, Canada continues to be a safe travel destination. Destination British Columbia will use this page to keep the local travel industry updated as new information becomes available.

    Vancouver International Airport COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

    Find answers relating to current screening processes and other airline-related queries at YVR’s dedicated information page.