Show Your True GREEN Colour

Reduce waste, save energy, cut costs, be a good corporate citizen, save our planet, cater to consumers seeking green brands.

These are all good reasons for taking the steps to improve your environmental performance and green your business – and to celebrate those businesses that already have. your business eco-friendly or do you know of a business that is?

Is your business eco-friendly or do you know of a business that is?

If so, nominate that business – or your own – in the BC Hydro sponsored Best Green Business Award category of Small Business BC’s 2011 Successful You Business Awards contest. This award category will recognize the top nominee who demonstrates a strong approach to energy management and an organizational culture of conservation, and is an ambassador of energy conservation and sustainability in BC.

Here are my top 5 tips to consider for this category:

  • Show how far you’ve come. Tell us how you transformed your business to be green. What actions do you take to track and record your energy efficiency improvements? What benefits can you attribute to your ongoing energy management strategy?
  • Adopt a culture of conservation. Explain how you instill workplace programs encouraging energy conservation and waste reduction. How do you inspire your employees to work together to achieve a green, healthy workplace?
  • Walk the talk. Show how your leadership provides a strong vision and support to environmental policies within your company and amongst your community of customers, suppliers, and the public.
  • Make a difference. Demonstrate your long-term planning and commitment to energy reduction and sustainability. How do you influence green practices within your company – and your community?
  • Get your networks and team involved. Increase your visibility by using your networks and social media. Encourage your staff and management teams to also promote your company to their networks. Provide an outstanding example of a green company – and encourage everyone to vote for you.

Greening your business makes good business sense, no matter what industry you’re in or how big or small you may be.

Fortunately, it’s not hard to make a real difference, both to your energy bills and to our planet. A good place to start is by understanding exactly where the energy goes around your business and then targeting those areas where simple changes, many no- or low-cost, will have the most impact.

Check out our article “Cut Your Operating Costs: Create a Conservation Culture” for guidance. You can also refer to the BC Hydro Power Smart program for ideas and incentives to help your business seize energy-saving opportunities.