What’s Happening This May at Small Business BC

Spring is a time for new growth and fresh ideas. Take time for your small business education this May to startup or grow your business more effectively.

The Benefits of Small Business BC’s Education

Our instructors are small business owners themselves with real-life experiences to share. Whether you’re starting up, growing your business, or developing strategies importing/exporting or marketing and branding, we’ve got a seminar for that:

icon-stage-startStarting Out

Business Mapping: Developing a Smart Business Model

Like the saying goes “fail to plan, plan to fail”. And, in business this couldn’t be more accurate. Every entrepreneur needs a business plan and strategy to help direct their business. Business mapping can help you invest the time and money into a successful business model. If you’re thinking of starting a company, looking for funding or turning a hobby into a business, this seminar is for you.

Date: May 5, 2015, 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/BusinessMapping

Young Entrepreneurs Business Planning and Financing

Learn how lenders measure risk, how to establish good credit, how evaluate good cash flows and the financing options available for small business. Get the tips and resources you need to write a business plan that is attractive to financers.

Date: May 6, 2015, 1.00pm – 3.45pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/YoungEntrepreneursBP

Market Research for Your Business

Why do businesses fail? Often it comes down to not knowing your customers, competitors or industry. If you want to land new clients and grow your business, put market research at the heart of it. Join a market research expert to discover the existing data relevant for your business and how to use it, then learn about the effective tools for collecting primary search.

Date: May 11 and 27, 2015

Book Now: sbbc.co/MarketResearchforBiz

My First Year in Business – A Financial Overview

Establishing good habits when starting a new business is essential especially when it comes to finances. Without the proper bookkeeping, it will be difficult to onboard investors, sell your business or understand you profits. Join this seminar to learn the different financial statements you need, what a cash flow statement is and how to use it, and the CRA’s requirements for record keeping.

Date: May 12, 2015, 9.00am – 12.00pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/FirstYearBusiness

Business Viability – Analysis and Forecasting

Your business won’t be a success on ideas alone. Learn about the costs to start and operate your business for the first year, and sales you’ll need to break even. Find how out to forecast your monthly cash out flows and how ‘what if’ calculations can help you plan for success.

Date: May 19, 2015, 9 am – 4.00pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/BusinessViability

icon-stage-growAlready Growing

Reach More Customers with Strategic SEO and SEM

89 per cent of consumers use search engines like Yahoo or Google to find information on products or services. Harness the power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to extend your digital marketing reach and visibility.

Date: May 4, 2015, 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/StrategicSEOSEM

How to Get Your Business into the Media

Earning positive media coverage for your small business can be one of the most effective ways to publicize your business. However, landing these media stories takes planning, research and time.

Learn the basics of creating press buzz and how to make a good pitch to journalists.

Date: May 12, 2015, 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/BusinessIntoMedia

Social Media and Online Marketing Tactics

Just because you know what social media is doesn’t’ mean you know how to use it to grow your business. about what social media platform is right for your business, how to engage your audience and develop that audience to become your advocates.

Date: May 21, 2015, 1.00pm – 3.30pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/OnlineMarketingTactics

Branding – More Than Just a Logo

Branding is all about how your business interacts with your customers. Yes, this includes a logo, but it’s also about how you answer the phone, how you interact with your customers, how you process a sale and how you carry on that relationship. Discover techniques to develop your brand with this unique seminar that will make you rethink what you’re doing.

Date: May 26, 2015, 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Book Now: sbbc.co/MoreThanLogo

Save Money with the Focused Business Planning Package

icon-educationAnd don’t forget our Focused Business Planning package. This great bundle includes many of these recommended seminars, offering over 23 hours of education for just $369 plus tax; a saving of almost 20% off the regular price.



Register Today

icon-registrationSeminars are held in-person at the Small Business BC, at 601 West Cordova in Vancouver, and broadcast via live webcast.

Our seminars encourage crowd participation, provide you with lots of opportunities to ask questions and network with like-minded business owners.

Space is limited, so register early to avoid disappointment!

We look forward to seeing you soon.