Small Business Task Force Begins Consulting Process

The Province of British Columbia has announced the creation of the Small Business Task Force to better understand what government can do to help this vital part of our economy prosper.

About the Small Business Task Force

Small business is big business in British Columbia. In fact, 98% of all businesses operating in our province are small businesses. Together, they provide employment for more than one million British Columbians.

The three-member Small Business Task Force was formed in May 2018. It is chaired by Michael Hwang, founder and principal lawyer at Amicus Lawyers. Additional members include Cybele Negris, vice-chair of B.C.’s Small Business Roundtable and CEO and co-founder of, and Shahraz Kassam, owner and CEO of Shamin Diamonds.

They are seeking input from small business owners throughout the province to better understand potential barriers to success, opportunities for growth and actions that should be considered by the government. And, the good news is, this process has just begun.

Phase 1

During the month of June, feedback will be gathered through an online questionnaire and stakeholder meetings throughout the province. These meetings will take place in the following locations:

  • June 8 – Nanaimo
  • June 13 – Terrace
  • June 14 – Prince George
  • June 20 – Richmond
  • June 26 – Cranbrook
  • June 28 – Kelowna

Information on times and locations of these meetings will be provided through business organizations such as local chambers of commerce, boards of trade and Indigenous business groups.

Phase 2

Taking place in late-July, Phase 2 will provide the public with the opportunity to comment on the Small Business Task Force’s findings. The feedback from this public engagement will be used by the Task Force to develop a final report that will identify priorities and provide recommendations to the government on ways to strengthen the small business sector in B.C.

Get Involved

Small business owners based in British Columbia are invited to share their feedback with the Small Business Task Force by submitting their feedback through the online form. Alternatively, they can register for updates regarding the activity of the Task Force.