The Best Business Books for Starting a Business

What do Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Mark Cuban have in common? Well, apart from their entrepreneurial prowess and devotion to philanthropy, the three are known for their love of reading business books. In fact, Buffet attributes his business acumen in large part to his voracious appetite for page turning:

“Everybody can read what I read, it’s a level playing field. I read 500 pages… every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do.”  

It’s a thought echoed by Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban:

“I would continuously search for new ideas. I read every book and magazine I could. Heck, three bucks for a magazine, 20 bucks for a book. One good idea that led to a customer or solution and it paid for itself many times over.

“Everything I read was public. Anyone could buy the same books and magazines I did. The same information was available to anyone who wanted it. Turns out most people didn’t want it. Most people won’t put in the time to get a knowledge advantage.”

The point made by both men is a fascinating one. In their eyes, there’s no secret sauce to becoming an entrepreneur. Success comes in large part due to the willingness to seek out as much useful information as possible. Books are invaluable for achieving that goal. To help you get started, we’ve gathered some of the best business books for starting a business.

The Best Business Books for Starting a Business

Entrepreneurial DNA – Joe Abraham

No two businesses are the same, and every entrepreneur possesses a unique skillset. In Entrepreneurial DNA, Joe Abraham elaborates on his unique BOSI System, a simple, structured process for determining your own entrepreneurial tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. Understanding what type of entrepreneur you are is key to assessing areas of business acumen, and parts of your business you may need assistance with. Are you a builder? Innovator? Specialist? Read this fascinating book to find out!

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike – Phil Knight

Detailing the rise of Nike from a plucky start-up to global behemoth, Shoe Dog is the biography of founder and board chairman, Phil Knight. This inspirational tale should be considered a must read for any entrepreneur, as it details Knight’s journey from borrowing fifty dollars from his father, to grossing over $30 billion a year. In an age where start-ups abound, Nike is the gold standard for what they can become.

Canadian Legal Guide for Small Business – Nishan Swais, LLB

Unless you’ve studied law, it’s likely you’re going to have some legal questions throughout the life of your small business. Nishan Swais’ Canadian Legal Guide for Small Business acts as a legal FAQ, providing a comprehensive guide that will answer many of your legal questions. Written in plain English that avoids legal jargon, it will help you navigate and understand the law you need to run a small business safely.

Likeable Social Media – Dave Kerpen

There are almost limitless potential customers on social media; is your business speaking to them? Dave Kerpen’s deep dive into the world of social media marketing helps you harness the power of the medium to transform your business. Rather than broadcasting immediately forgettable ads, you’ll learn how to listen to your customers and prospects, deliver value and surprise them. Want to learn how to turn customers into a mini-marketing machine? This is the book for you.

TaxSense – Accounting and Tax Kit for New Ventures – Loren Nancke & Company

Make sure your business stays in the black with this straightforward accounting and tax kit. This valuable resource introduces you to the basics and tools you need to master your small business financing. Learn the accounting essentials on the key principles, responsibilities and dates involved with starting and managing a small business.

Start with Why – Simon Sinek

Known for his famous Ted Talk on leadership, Simon Sinek’s business thesis is that it’s not enough to know what you do, or how you do it. Instead, the reason why you do it must be central to your business. This book explains in detail the importance of “why” and how it can help you build a foundation for your business that’s deeper than just financial security.

Here to Help

Small Business BC’s bookstore carries an extensive range of business books at our Downtown Vancouver location. Stop by, browse and find the books you need to succeed. No matter what stage of business, or what problem you face, Small Business BC offers a range of seminars and one-on-one advisory sessions to suit any business.

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