The Key to Online Success is Great Content

Everyone wants to generate more buzz, earn more traffic and generate more leads online. The secret to doing just that can be summed up in just two words: great content.

Providing useful, informative content that appeals to your target market is the key to getting the most out of your online marketing strategy. Truly engaging content will open your doors to new targeted traffic through SEO and give your current social media followers something compelling to like and share, growing your audience and creating inbound links that improve your SEO score.

Plus, as you add more great content to your website, your existing audience will return more often too, as they’ll seek information from the subject matter expert. These followers are your evangelists – your bread-and-butter repeat customers and your fountain for referrals.

An effective content strategy will also expose you to people who are in research mode. Eighty per cent of consumers research online before buying a good or service. If you’ve already addressed their concerns in your blog, there’s a good chance they’ll find and eventually purchase from you.

Should I Write My Own Blog Articles or Hire a Professional Writer?

If you’re comfortable with your writing ability, then go for it. Your passion and authenticity will shine through, and that will resonate with readers. Keeping the tone friendly and personal can go a long way to building rapport with your audience and helping your customers feel more connected to your business.

But beware. While you don’t need to be a wordsmith, your blog does have to be free from spelling and grammatical errors. One study has suggested that even a single spelling mistake can cut sales in half! Sloppy writing conveys sloppy work, inattention to detail and lack of professionalism. Are these the standards you’re working hard to uphold in your business?

Hiring a professional writer is a great option and can deliver a significant return on investment, especially when you factor in all the time you’d save by not writing the articles yourself. Professional content writers know how to write in a way that’s both creative and persuasive. Look for a writer or firm that specializes in marketing or promotional content. That way, you can be confident that your writer always has your bottom line in mind and knows a few tricks to make your articles more persuasive.

As a bonus, some writers will also be able to help you with email and social media marketing – managing your contact list, sending out newsletters, tracking results and more.

What Should I Blog About?

Take advantage of the insider information and resources available to you and share it on your blog. The more useful the content is to your customers and prospects, the more people will read it, like it and share it.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Local stats for your industry – market updates, sales trends, etc.
    • News from within your industry – summarize or link to news happening elsewhere, or offer a local angle on a broader story
    • Answer your customers’ frequently asked questions – dedicate one blog article to each question
    • Compile a local business directory or list of referral partners
    • Upcoming industry events, courses or activities
    • Testimonials, project updates and success stories If you can, include photos and/or videos. They break up the text and make your content more inviting to readers

Learn More

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Plus, don’t forget that you can meet one-on-one with an expert to get specific information that applies to your business by booking an appointment with Small Business BC’s Ask the Expert service now.