Top 10 Apps for Small Business Owners

Launching and maintaining a new business is no easy feat. Thankfully, technology is here to make the lives of small business owners much easier.

As the CEO of Trippeo, I rely on a number of apps when I am on the road for business or working from our headquarters in Vancouver. A small business owner has to juggle a lot, and each of these apps helps to keep me organized, efficient and successful. Here are my current top 10 apps I use to help my business run smoothly:

1. Intercom

At Trippeo, we use Intercom to interact directly with our customers. Through the app, you can see how your customers are using your tool or service and identify where they might need help. You can also send personal messages to drive conversion and customer engagement. The Intercom dashboard allows you to assign customer questions to other members of your team and prioritize to ensure that you are following up with each inquiry in a timely and effective matter.

2. Trello

I love using this free app to manage the all the projects that my team is working on. When I am away on business, this is a simple way to stay up-to-date with my team’s workflow and provide feedback where needed.

3. Evernote

When you are launching and running a small business, brainstorm sessions are commonplace. Rather than storing all of your innovative ideas in notebooks that could get lost, this app lets you store all of your thoughts in one place. With Evernote, you can store photos, voice notes, links and notes in a centralized location that you can revisit and comment on later.

4. Trippeo

There is nothing more stressful than returning home from a business trip with a stack of receipts to expense. We created Trippeo to eliminate this hassle. My AMEX is synced to my Trippeo app so all of my purchases are updated and categorized in real time. Trippeo can also be linked with my calendar so it is able to automatically generate expense reports for the time period that I am away on business. When I get home, an expense report is waiting in my inbox. It’s that easy!

5. CamScanner

I like to travel as light as possible, but sometimes there is paperwork I absolutely need to have with me when I travel for work. With CamScanner, I can scan important documents, which then save, automatically to my phone and my Dropbox.

6. Skype

When I have to set up a videoconference, I always turn to my Skype app. It is a free, effective service that lets me connect with clients and potential partners no matter where they are in the world. Skype is also a great way to stay in touch with my team when I am on the road.

7. HotelTonight

The life of a small business owner can be unpredictable, and though I try to avoid it, I often end up planning business trips last minute. HotelTonight lets me scan hotel availability for whatever city I am travelling to, and helps me find the best deal possible. A recent update to this app has made it so you can also now book a hotel up to seven days in advance!

8. Tempo

Tempo is a smart calendar app that keeps me hyper-organized. Through Tempo I can see what meetings I have coming up, who is attending and access a map of how to get to there. If I am running late to the meeting or want to touch base with someone who will be there, I can message him or her directly via Tempo. I can schedule transportation to my meeting through this app and even host a conference call.

9. LinkedIn Pulse

No matter how busy my workweek is, I always make time to read some of the amazing industry content that is now available online. The sheer amount of material that is out there can be overwhelming, so I look to this app to streamline my reading experience. LinkedIn Pulse has a comprehensive customizable catalogue that allows me to discover shareable content. I can sync it with my LinkedIn account, as well as all of my other social channels, to share content and insights with my professional network.

10. Headspace

Let’s face it—running a small business can be stressful. I recently discovered this meditation app that offers daily-guided meditations. This is perfect for people who are new to meditating and need some help slowing their brains down. After just a few minutes, I feel refreshed and focused. It’s a game-changer!

Any apps that you can’t live without? I would love to hear your suggestions.