What’s Happening in August 2020 at Small Business BC?

Summer has arrived in British Columbia. And, while it may feel a little different this year, there’s still plenty to look forward to this August.

Travelling within our province this month? Check out Small Business BC’s guide on how to travel responsibly while supporting local small businesses. Elsewhere, our COVID-19 Support Service is here to answer any questions you have about COVID-19 and your small business. Check in regularly to keep up to date with the latest program announcements and small business updates. You can also support BC-based businesses that are open during COVID-19 in our dedicated Small Business Marketplace, or find the non-medical PPE and protective equipment you need in Small Business BC’s PPE Marketplace.

While we remain physically distant, we’ve got a full slate of remote services available at SBBC this month. Here are our educational highlights for August 2020 at Small Business BC.

Business Viability Package

Tuesday, August 4th
09:00am to 4:00pm

No matter how good your idea for a product or service is, it doesn’t automatically translate into a viable business. Your business viability ultimately depends on your cash flow – even if you’re already turning a profit. Keeping your cash flow positive is one of the best ways to improve the financial health of your business and ensure you continue to grow.

Join us for our business viability package and learn how to determine, evaluate and forecast your business finances.

How to Do Business with the Federal Government

Thursday, August 6th
10:30am to 12:00pm

The Government of Canada is one of the largest purchasers of goods and services in the country. Each year, the federal government spends up to $25 billion on goods, services, and construction. Want to learn how your business can do business with the federal government?

Learn how the government does its buying, how you can to register to sell to the government, keep track of opportunities and even how to market to the federal government.

Writing a Business Plan

Friday, August 7th
09:00am to 12:00pm

Writing a business plan provides a roadmap to success for your business. It will outline your goals and the steps you will take to achieve them. This seminar will take a deep dive into the various aspects of a business plan and the key questions you need to address in each. You’ll identify the gaps in your plan and the areas you need to develop further. You’ll also find out about business plan reviewing and how it can take your start-up to the next phase.

Blogging to Promote Your Business

Monday, August 10th
09:00am to 12:00pm

Blogging allows a business to easily create and share valuable and relevant content with their target audience. Whether it’s blogging, social media or newsletters, content marketing is critical for entrepreneurs looking to promote their business in a budget-conscious manner.

Join Ashley “WriterGal” Doan, Writergal Marketing Services, and learn how to increase visitors to your site organically and keep them there longer by publishing great content.

Social Media for Small Business

Tuesday, August 11th
1:00pm to 4:30pm

While it’s amazing for catching up with old friends, social media can also be a huge driver of traffic and attention to your small business. And, just because you know what social media is, does not mean you necessarily understand how to use social media to grow and develop your business.

This workshop focuses on understanding social media for small business, what it is and how it’s connecting people.

Retail Ready: How to Get Your Product into Stores

Wednesday, August 12th
1:00pm to 4:00pm

Are you ready to take your product to retail? Getting your product onto store shelves can be challenging and costly, especially if you don’t understand the pitfalls. Get started by learning about product design and how to tell your brand’s story in a way that resonates with retailers and consumers.

This seminar will also focus on setting the correct retail price for your product and determining suitable sales channels to pursue your ideal customers.

Negotiating Contracts: Get the Right Deal

Tuesday, August 18th
10:30am to 12:00pm

Contracts form the backbone of the business world. And, throughout your small business life, you’ll be faced with numerous client and supplier contracts. Understanding the common legal terms you’ll face, as well as the key strategies to employ, will help you in negotiating contracts for your small business.

Starting a Business: Start Smart Package

Wednesday, August 19th
09:00am to 4:00pm

Whether you have a winning idea, or you’re just fascinated with the idea of launching a business, the Starting a Business: Start Smart Series delivers the basics you need to get started on the journey.

Ranging from the different business structures, to business insurance, employment standards and how you can protect your intellectual property, this fascinating series will equip you with the basics of launching a start-up.

Seminars Included:

  • Start Smart 1: Basics of Starting a Business
  • Start Smart 2: Key Considerations of Starting a Business

Creating Your Business Pitch

Thursday, August 20th
1:00pm to 3:00pm

Your business idea might be the Next Big Thing, but you need to get the word out first. Whether you’re telling friends and family, or looking for investment dollars, your start-up pitch will be essential to your success.

Join Dylan Hrycyshen, Small Business BC Business Planning Advisor, for this informative session on crafting your business pitch.

Creating Professional Video Content Using Your Phone

Wednesday, August 26th
1:00pm to 3:00pm

If marketing has taught us anything in recent years it’s that customers love video content. Many business owners think it’s expensive and time-consuming to create this content but this is no longer the case. Thanks to the humble smartphone, professional-looking videos can be made quickly and easily.

On Our Radar This Month:

Don’t forget, in the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry: Be Kind, Be Calm, and Be Safe.