What’s Happening in December 2020 at Small Business BC?

This December, businesses across BC are facing a unique Holiday season. As we continue to navigate the challenges posed by COVID-19, why not give the gift of education to your small business? At Small Business BC, we’re here to help. We’ve put together a packed list of education (and checked it twice), featuring a range of webinars geared at helping your business thrive within our “new normal.”

Before we get to the highlights, have you added your business to the BC Marketplace? The free online directory connects your business with a province-wide audience of customers interested in shopping local and supporting small businesses like yours. Registering couldn’t be easier, simply visit our registration page to get the process started.

By this point in the year, we’re usually well into our annual SBBC Awards competition. We’re excited to let you know we’ll be launching the Awards in January 2021, and we’ll have more information to share on this early in the New Year. We can’t wait to highlight how we’ll be celebrating the resiliency and ingenuity of our small business community.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the educational highlights at Small Business BC this December.

Pricing Strategies: Pricing and Costing Your Product

Tuesday, December 1st
09:00am to 12:00pm

Whatever business you are in, your pricing strategy is one of the most important decisions you will face. Setting a price that is too high, or too low, will – at best – stifle your business’ growth prospects. At worst, it could seriously damage your sales and cash flow.

Mixing a marketing and financial focus, our pricing strategies seminar will get to the heart of how pricing plays an important part of your strategy for business success.

Business Planning for Developing Businesses

Tuesday, December 1st
1:00pm to 4:00pm

Starting a business is tough. Growing a business sustainably can be even tougher. That’s why business strategy is so important for sustained growth.

Build your growth plan and transition successfully to the next stage of business by attending this fascinating seminar hosted by Bill Erichson, Pacific Training Innovations. You’ll learn how building the right strategy will help you avoid the pitfalls of growing too quickly or too slowly, and how your current business activities have placed a barrier on your potential for growth.

Mythbusting Government Procurement

Thursday, December 3rd
10:30am to 12:00pm

Each year, the Government of Canada spends $15-20 billion in procuring goods and services. While you may think they only deal with big companies, many of these contracts are awarded to small businesses across Canada. Small businesses just like yours!

Interested in learning more? Let us help you decide if selling to the Government of Canada is appropriate for your business.

Market Research 2: Surveys and Focus Groups

Friday, December 4th
1:00pm to 4:00pm

Primary market research helps to take the guesswork out of important business decisions. Harnessing tools like surveys and focus groups, it can tell you how much your clients will spend, what motivates them to buy, and a greater understanding of customer needs and pain points.

Join Mark Eversfield, Small Business BC’s Market Research Analyst, as he teaches you effective tools for collecting primary market research.

Small Business Incorporation Package

Tuesday, December 8th
09:00am to 4:00pm

As a small business owner, the realities of your legal and tax situation will change as your company grows. Incorporating offers a business structure with many advantages you might not have considered.

Register for our small business incorporation package and learn from the professionals how and when the best time is to move from a proprietorship/partnership to an incorporated company. Gain valuable knowledge on setting up the legal entity of a corporation in this all-day tax and legal information package. You will receive a 15% discount by registering for this full day package.

Seminars included:

Creating Your Business Pitch

Wednesday, December 9th
2:30pm to 3:00pm

Your business idea might be the Next Big Thing, but you need to get the word out first. Whether you’re telling friends and family, or looking for investment dollars, your start-up pitch will be essential to your success. Join Dylan Hrycyshen, Small Business BC Business Planning Advisor, for this informative session on crafting your business pitch.

You’ll begin with practicing a thirty-second pitch and leave with an improved elevator pitch and plans for a slide deck presentation aimed at funders and investors. Be ready for impromptu encounters and networking events as you tell others about your new business in a simple yet compelling way.

Doing Business with the Government of Canada: Half Day Condensed

Thursday, December 10th
1:00pm to 4:00pm

Did you know: The Government of Canada spends up to $25 billion annually on goods, services, and construction. Many of these contracts are fulfilled by small businesses, meaning plenty of opportunities to engage with.

This comprehensive half-day seminar will guide you through the various aspects involved in doing business with the federal government.

Creating a Website for Your Business

Monday, December 14th
1:00pm to 3:00pm

Thinking of creating a website for your business? WordPress websites make up almost 30% of the internet and it was recently named the world’s fastest growing Content Management System (CMS). Similar to Shopify, Wix and Squarespace, WordPress offers a free-to-install, flexible and simple interface to make the most of your business website.

Join Simon Rai, Raize Digital, and take an interactive step-by-step tour of WordPress and leave with a basic website of your own. Getting started is easier than you think on this user-friendly platform that will empower you to tell the world about your small business. In this session, we’ll also briefly examine some of the more popular alternatives to WordPress.

Starting a Business: Start Smart Package

Wednesday, December 16th
09:00am to 4:00pm

Whether you have a winning idea, or you’re just fascinated with the idea of launching a business, the Starting a Business: Start Smart Series delivers the basics you need to get started on the journey.

Ranging from the different business structures, to business insurance, employment standards and how you can protect your intellectual property, this fascinating series will equip you with the basics of launching a start-up.

Seminars Included:

Road Safety for Your Staff

Thursday, December 17th
10:30am to 11:30am

Driving for work is one of the riskiest things workers have to do. According to WorkSafeBC, between 2015 and 2019, an average of 21 people per year died while driving for work. Another 1,500 people were injured during the same period. This issue particularly impacts small businesses, where approximately 85 per cent of those injured are employed by businesses with fewer than 20 employees.

The good news is, there are tangible, practical steps a small business owner can take to help reduce the likelihood of a crash. Join us for this informative and safety-focused webinar and learn what you can and should do to prevent the most important asset your business has – you and your employees – from getting into danger on the road. By preventing crashes you are saving lives, reducing injuries, and eliminating financial costs related to crashes in the long term.

Here to Help

No matter what stage of business, or what problem you face, Small Business BC offers a range of seminars and one-on-one advisory sessions to suit any business.

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