What’s Happening in October 2019 at Small Business BC?

It’s October, fall is in the air, and we’re gearing up for another massive month at Small Business BC!

We’re kicking things off with some BIG news – Nominations are now open for the 2020 Small Business BC Awards. Nominate your business, or a business you love, across our eight categories. New for this year is our Best Youth Entrepreneur category, which gives valuable kudos to the young movers and shakers making a splash in our province. Nominations will be published starting October 1.

We’re also delighted to confirm we’ll be hosting the Open for Business Awards for the third year in a row. This rapidly growing competition celebrates communities that have created a business-friendly environment, allowing small business to flourish. Nominate your municipality today in one of three categories (small community, medium community, large community) and show some civic pride.

Elsewhere, we’re popping up by the banks of the Fraser River as we host a popup in New Westminster. Taking place October 16th, clients can meet with a Small Business BC Advisor for a free, 20 minute private consultation. The venue is 100 Braid Street Studios.

And now, let’s check out the educational happenings at The Station this month:

Business Viability Package

Tuesday, October 1
09:00AM to 4:00PM

This package explores how to determine, evaluate and forecast your business finances. In this seminar you will learn how to analyze the financial viability and determine the strength of your business’ cash flow for potential investors. This package will save almost 15% on individual seminar registration.

Supplying Professional Services to the Government of Canada

Thursday, October 3
10:30AM to 12:00PM

Are you interested in providing professional services to the Government of Canada? This seminar will help you understand more about how the Government of Canada purchases professional services and the use of standing offers and supply arrangements. We will cover how to register your business in the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) as well as how to find and bid on professional services opportunities.

Instagram Marketing Strategies for Business

Monday, October 7
09:00AM to 12:00PM

Join us and learn specific strategies for improving your business on Instagram, as well as tips for advertising through paid posts. You’ll leave with specific takeaways on how to connect with your target market and build relationships that translate into sales for your business. This seminar is designed for participants with a basic understanding of social media, and you would benefit from taking Mastering Social Media to Grow your Small Business BC first.

Pricing and Costing Your Product

Tuesday, October 8
09:00AM to 12:00PM

Setting prices is both an art and a science. The science is determining your costs … and the art is understanding the underlying role price makes on customer buying behavior. This seminar has both a marketing and a financial focus as we get to the heart of how pricing plays an important part in your overall business success.

Business Planning for Developing Businesses

Tuesday, October 8
1:00PM to 4:00PM

Starting a business is tough, but growing a business is tougher. Develop your growth plan and transition successfully into the next stage of business.
Building the right strategy will help you avoid the pitfalls of growing too quickly or too slowly. Learn how your current business activities are affecting growth and concentrate on removing the barriers.

Essentials of Selling a Business

Thursday, October 10
10:30AM to 12:00PM

Are you considering selling your business or are you looking for ideas on how to maximize its value? Understanding what your business is worth will help you plan strategically and focus your efforts on the right business components.

Incorporation: Legal and Tax Tips Package

Tuesday, October 15
09:00AM to 4:00PM

Register for this package to learn from the professionals how and when the best time is to move from a proprietorship/partnership to an incorporated company. Gain valuable knowledge on setting up the legal entity of a corporation in this all-day tax and legal information package. This package will save you more than 15% on individual seminar registration.

Creating Your Business Pitch

Thursday, October 17
1:00PM to 3:00PM

You’ve built the Next Big Thing and now it’s time to share it with the world. Whether you’re telling friends and family, recruiting a team or asking for money, your startup pitch will be essential to your business success.

Business Networking Skills for Success (In-Person Only)

Tuesday, October 22
12:00PM to 2:00PM

Few tools are as powerful as a face-to-face connection. Creating relationships will allow you to build a network of contacts to help you access new opportunities. Learn to leverage your networks and strategies to maximize your in-person meetings. This interactive seminar will teach you how to create strong relationships and avoid common mistakes so you can build a network of resources to take your business far.

How to Create an Authentic Brand

Tuesday, October 29
1:00PM to 4:00PM

A brand consists of much more than just a logo. In fact, it’s just one aspect of a true branding strategy. Want to appear as professional and well-polished as a much bigger company? It all begins with your branding. Small businesses often struggle with building a brand. The good news is, there are simple steps an entrepreneur can take to get started. Join us and learn how to create a brand strategy that resonates with your audience and remains authentic to your identity as a business. By the end you will have a pathway towards building the foundation for a successful brand.