What’s Happening in September 2020 at Small Business BC?

Summer is sadly drawing to a close but we’ve got plenty to look forward to this September at Small Business BC. No matter what stage of business you’re at, our packed calendar of education and events offers something for every entrepreneur.

Though we can’t be together in-person, we are thrilled to announce the virtual return of our Build. Grow. Thrive. event on September 23rd. Delivered alongside our partners at Envision Financial, this FREE day of education connects entrepreneurs with the province’s leading tools and resources. We understand the challenges business owners are currently facing. That’s why each session on the day will deliver practical advice tailored toward navigating our “new normal.” Click the Build. Grow. Thrive. link above to register and find out more.

Elsewhere, September is AccessAbility Month at Small Business BC, featuring 17 webinars with ASL interpretation and closed captioning. Our partners at Community Futures are offering free education for AccessAbility Month through their Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program. We’ve carefully planned this special month to offer our most popular webinar topics, covering subjects as diverse as starting a business, email marketing, and even how to conduct business with the federal government.

Also make sure to visit our BC Marketplace and support our local small businesses. Also, if you own a small business you can register for free and get marketing exposure for your business.

Now, without further ado, let’s check out the educational highlights at Small Business BC in September 2020.

COVID Safety and Energy Efficiency for Your Small Business

Wednesday, September 2nd
10:00am to 11:00am

During COVID-19, business owners have been looking at different ways to cut costs and become more efficient. What if it was possible to achieve this goal while helping to reduce transmission of COVID-19 at the same time?

Delivered by Sam Thomas, Principal and Kootenay Branch Manager of Prism Engineering, and Tiago Pereira, Energy Solutions Manager at FortisBC, attendees will learn practical steps for making the workplace safer, while also saving money in our “new normal.” We’ll also be covering tips for making your space cost-effective, COVID relief incentives for small biz and plumbing/environmental controls.

TaxSense for Small Business

Wednesday, September 9th
09:00am to 12:00pm

Whether you are starting or looking to grow your business, the business structure you choose can have a massive impact on your profits and tax situation.

Join a representative from Loren Nancke Chartered Professional Accountants and learn accounting essentials, responsibilities and dates involved with managing a small business. You’ll discover the deductions available to you, the tax benefits of each structure and discuss when it’s time for your small business to incorporate.

Marketing for Small Business

Thursday, September 10th
1:00pm to 4:00pm

You know what your small business has to offer, but how do you get that message across to potential customers? Marketing is the single most effective way to spread the word. Presented by Mary Charleson, Charleson Communications, Marketing for Small Business will help you focus on what your unique value proposition is and how to communicate your message effectively.

You’ll learn about the most effective marketing tools, the changing media landscape, and how to spend your marketing budget.

Starting a Business: Start Smart Package

Wednesday, September 16th
09:00am to 4:00pm

Whether you have a winning idea, or you’re just fascinated with the idea of launching a business, the Starting a Business: Start Smart Series delivers the basics you need to get started on the journey.

Ranging from the different business structures, to business insurance, employment standards and how you can protect your intellectual property, this fascinating series will equip you with the basics of launching a start-up.

Seminars Included:

Importing Regulations in Canada

Friday, September 18th
09:00am to 12:00pm

Looking to import goods into Canada? Before you start, you need to know which regulations, standards and licenses apply to your products. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of which regulatory agencies are responsible for your industry, and how to manage pre-entry requirements, such as testing and labelling – before you start importing into Canada.

This interactive session will bring together representatives from Small Business BC, Health Canada, the Competition Bureau and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Webinar attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions relevant to your business with the visiting agencies.

Creating a Website for Your Business

Monday, September 21st
1:00pm to 3:30pm

Thinking of creating a website for your business? WordPress websites make up almost 30% of the internet and it was recently named the world’s fastest growing Content Management System (CMS). Similar to Shopify, Wix and Squarespace, WordPress offers a free-to-install, flexible and simple interface to make the most of your business website.

Join Simon Rai, Raize Digital, and take an interactive step-by-step tour of WordPress and leave with a basic website of your own. Getting started is easier than you think on this user-friendly platform that will empower you to tell the world about your small business. In this session, we’ll also briefly examine some of the more popular alternatives to WordPress.

Funding and Resources for Inclusive Employers

Friday, September 25
09:00am to 10:30am

Did you know that as an employer you can get free help finding candidates, access wage subsidies, get free job coaching for new employees, assistive technology, and training? In celebration of Disability Employment Month in B.C., this webinar will focus on where employers can obtain support and why employing persons with disabilities is good for business.

Join our panel presentation moderated by Trish Kelly of the Presidents Group, along with Rebecca Purdy from the Open Door Group, Nate Toevs from Neil Squire Society, and Dugan Selkirk from Community Futures BC to understand how small businesses can get the support they need to become inclusive employers.

Get Started with Email Marketing

Tuesday, September 29th
1:00pm to 4:00pm

Email Marketing makes money. In fact, a recent study showed that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38. Find out what you need to start an effective email marketing campaign and reach your target audience via their email inbox.

Join Mhairi Petrovic, Out-Smarts Marketing as she delivers an action plan to get your email strategy up and running.

Cyberthreats: How to Protect Your Small Business

Wednesday, September 30th
10:00am to 12:00pm

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many businesses have quickly increased their online presence and remote operations. Unfortunately, this has led to a rapid increase in cyberattacks. Hackers have learned many small businesses often don’t have strong cybersecurity in place, and they represent a soft target.

With 2020 on track to set records for cybercrime, is your business sufficiently protected?

Privacy Law: Navigating Regulations and Avoiding Breaches

Wednesday, September 30th
1:00pm to 2:30pm

Since March, many small businesses have moved to remote working, empowering employees to work from home where possible. Unfortunately, this has created an environment where data breaches and unintended privacy leaks have become all too common.

Join Marilyn Sing for this informative and fast-paced webinar and learn the key points of BC’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).