Why Do It the Hard Way? Learn from Those Who’ve Been There

There are various key success factors for small business. Although some of them are specific to your line of business, being informed and connected to your industry and your customers is universal.

Thus, education and networking are invaluable tools for entrepreneurs at all stages of business, but especially when you’re starting out.

Some of the small business owners we’ve had the privilege to work with concur with the importance of staying connected and reaching out to professionals to help you as you start your business:

“Talk to a good accountant and a good lawyer. Even if you cannot afford them yet, they will often sit down with you for a consultation and give you tips that will make your transition to becoming a bigger business far less painful.”

– Catherine McLaren and Eugene Lin, of Kiss My Flash Photography

“Our advice would be to leverage all of the online resources through the SBBC website and others. Look around, get out there and talk to other entrepreneurs. Vancouver has such a rich culture of small business owners – the network is massive and everyone is so helpful and willing to give tips and guidance. All you have to do is ask!”

– Kelly Eng and Dhana Cruickshank of BiaGirl Media Inc.

“Be prepared, but expect the unexpected.  Plan to devote yourself to your business for the first five years. If you believe in yourself and your product or service, and you continue to invest in yourself, it will pay off. Create a business plan, check out your competitors, know your market and use resources that are available to you, such as Small Business BC.”

– Mark Halyk of Catered Art, Boutique Catering

“Never give up. Every day you face a new challenge, and it may be an insane one, but you will make it to the next challenge and this time, you will be that more the wiser.  Always challenge yourself and the limits of your business because without that you won’t see growth, and without growth, it feels like you’re suffocating.”

– Heather O’Brien and Dave Dove of The Goods Screening & Apparel Company Ltd

If you would like to learn more about how to start and thrive in business from these and other inspiring entrepreneurs, come join us on Friday, October 1st for Small Business BC’s first INSPIRE- The Freshest Business Fair of 2010.

This dynamic event will kick off Small Business Month with an exciting afternoon of activities, exhibits and education to get your juices flowing with fresh ideas for your business or to inspire new business ideas!

This is a perfect opportunity to network with your peers and to learn from industry professionals about effective branding and marketing, and to perfect your image and business pitch with tips from public speaking and image consultants.

See you there!