Paul Newton

Seminar Speaker

Paul Newton is CEO and co-founder of the Vancouver startup, Otonomy Solutions. is an online matchmaking platform for buyers and sellers of small businesses. It was conceived and built with the idea to help small business owners transition their business to the next generation of Canadian entrepreneurs.

Paul is formally trained in the hospitality industry and spent his formative working years in the service industry. His foray into technology was implementing property management systems across North America before settling in Vancouver to work with several BC tech startups.  Although he eventually found himself working for a large corporation, it was his desire to return to the startup community that led to the launch of

Prior to Otonomy, Paul was at Electronic Arts Games for 11 years building out their global user research team and studying the motivations of today’s video gamers.  While he enjoyed the benefits of working in a Fortune 500 company, his approach was always entrepreneurial. His progression after leaving EA to create something leveraging his passion, strengths, and experience lead to

Paul has a deep appreciation for the impact small businesses plays in the Canadian economy. He believes that through technology, user psychology, a strong sense of service, we can improve the lives of many Canadians.