Business Plan Consulting and Review

Service Description

Successful entrepreneurs understand the value of a well-crafted business plan. Not only is it an excellent roadmap for starting a business, it’s something you’ll need to attract start-up finance for your business through bankers or investors. While building your plan, it’s all too easy to miss important details in the document. A business plan review focuses on all the necessary elements including business operations, sales and marketing, HR, financials, plus more, and can positively impact your start-up plans.

No matter what stage you’re at in the business planning process, review service can keep you on course for success.

Work with our expert Business Plan Advisors and get the professional advice you need to make your business dreams a reality.

This service includes a 60-minute initial appointment, with up to two follow appointments as needed.

Not started your business plan yet? Download our Business Plan Template today.


  • Feedback on your business plan strategy, and goals from a professional

  • Review of your market research

  • Analysis on whether your business model is viable

  • Evaluation of your financial forecasts, operations, and marketing plan

  • Risk Analysis

  • Recommendations for financing

Service Offered By

FortisBC is pleased to support small businesses by subsidizing the cost of the Business Plan Review service.

These 60-minute sessions are booked in advance on a first come, first served basis. They are delivered via Skype/Zoom or phone from anywhere in our province.

Due to the rapidly evolving public health situation surrounding COVID-19, Small Business BC has reached the difficult decision to modify how we deliver our services in the coming weeks.

As an organization, our number one priority will always be the health and safety of our clients, staff and service providers. We also want to ensure we maintain the high service standards our clients expect. As such, we will be delivering all our services online, or over the phone, until further notice. See here for more information on our service changes. Please use our COVID-19 small business resources – including this practical checklist for business continuity.

  • Price: $299.00
  • Length: Package Includes up to Three 1-Hour Sessions
  • Subject: Business Planning, Financial Management, Funding, Human Resources, Market Research, Marketing & Sales, Operations
  • Language: English
  • Stage of Business: Start-Up, Growing
This service may be taken by phone or video call
Before you book, let's see if this service is right for you