Market Research Advisory

Service Description

Starting a business will always involve a certain amount of guesswork. Fortunately, market research can bridge this gap, effectively providing answers to many common business questions. It helps you make decisions with clarity and intelligence, informing your business planning and strategy. Small Business BC’s Market Research Analyst, Mark Eversfield, boasts over three decades of experience analyzing data, and he’s ready to assist you by removing the mystery behind the numbers.

Successful business planning depends on solid market research. Whether you’re drowning in a sea of market data or simply don’t know where to begin, a one-on-one consultation with a Small Business BC market research analyst will help you focus your market research efforts.


  • Discover where to locate your business

  • Learn where to focus your marketing efforts

  • Discover how to differentiate yourself from the competition

  • Find new customers in B2B markets

  • Identify customer spending habits and trends

  • Support finance applications with solid data

Service Offered By

These 60-minute sessions are booked in advance on a first come, first served basis. They are delivered via Skype/Zoom or phone from anywhere in our province.

Due to the rapidly evolving public health situation surrounding COVID-19, Small Business BC has reached the difficult decision to modify how we deliver our services in the coming weeks.

As an organization, our number one priority will always be the health and safety of our clients, staff and service providers. We also want to ensure we maintain the high service standards our clients expect. As such, we will be delivering all our services online, or over the phone, until further notice. See here for more information on our service changes. Please use our COVID-19 small business resources – including this practical checklist for business continuity.

  • Price: $59.00
  • Length: 1 Hour
  • Subject: Market Research
  • Language: English
  • Stage of Business: Start-Up, Growing
This service may be taken by phone or video call
This service is available on varying dates