Small Business BC Event


To our attendees, panelists and exhibitors, thank you for making INSPIRE 2019 such a success. Stay tuned for details of our 2020 events.

Making an Impact: Small Business’ Leadership Role in Climate Action

According to a new poll by Insights West, Canadians view climate change as the top issue facing the world today. This has driven interest in sustainable, eco-friendly products and services, with companies frequently being evaluated based on environmental impact. With over 66% of global customers willing to pay more for sustainable goods (with the percentage increasing yearly), adopting green practices and focusing on innovation is good for business, offering new opportunities in industries that were non-existent only a decade ago.

This year’s INSPIRE will address the positive impact businesses and entrepreneurs can have on climate change. Encompassing networking, inspiration and a lively panel discussion, we’ll tackle how starting a sustainable business, or adapting new green technologies and operations, has allowed for increased business success and profitability. Looking for inspiration before the big night? Check out Clean BC’s Resources for Small Business. This valuable resource contains links and information on programs and incentives to help make your business more green friendly.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in getting involved with INSPIRE? View our available sponsorship opportunities,