What is Bizmap?

A collaboration between Small Business BC, 17 Vancouver BIAs and the City of Vancouver, Bizmap offers a powerful tool to analyze and compare key market data at the neighborhood level, to help grow sustainable business communities.

How it Works

Bizmap exists to provide easy access to relevant market data tailored to customized business districts. This data, encompassing demographics, business types, building information and the area’s activities, is supplied at the neighbourhood level, providing users with highly specific information to aid in their decision making – from finding the ideal business location to expanding their customer base, and beyond.

Bizmap Users Can:

Explore Neighbourhoods

Find your customers or competitors and discover major business clusters:

·  Select neighbourhood(s) via the interactive map or listings page

·  Get district specific data – key stats, demographics, businesses and local area information

·  Download the full profile report


Compare Neighbourhoods

Compare data across neighbourhoods or regions with Bizmap’s easy comparison tool:

·  Select one or more neighbourhoods/regions

·  Select one or more indicators or sub-indicators

·  View, download/email the comparison report

Search for a Business Location

Find the optimal business location by searching real-time real estate listings (powered by Spacelist)

·   Select a neighbourhood

·   View active real estate listings


History of Bizmap

Bizmap first launched in 2009. The site consisted of a static homepage which provided a central hub for neighborhood data reports in .pdf format. It was created through one-time project funding, as a free, publicly accessible resource to provide market-area statistics alongside business district data and information.

Bizmap’s core data soon proved useful to a range of users including:

  • Business Owners and Managers
  • Businesses Looking to Locate, Relocate or Expand
  • Property Owners, Realtors and Developers
  • Special Event Planners
  • BIA Boards and Staff
  • Economic Developers
  • City Staff
  • Members of the Public

Reinvigorating Bizmap

In 2015/16, the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA) worked with Small Business BC directly to develop a new iteration of Bizmap for their market area. During consultation with Vancouver’s business improvement associations (BIAs), renewal and update of the former Bizmap profiles and website was identified as a high priority.

As a result, a new Bizmap project concept was put forth and approved by Vancouver City Council, through the City’s Innovation Fund, to provide partial funding for a selected set of BIAs to participate in the enhanced Bizmap project.

This new and improved Bizmap.ca website now features:

  • Enhanced web-based functionality as opposed to only uploaded, static .pdf reports
  • Data presented in a user-friendly, infographic format and platform that’s easily navigated and searchable by keyword
  • Easier ability to update and edit the site
  • Storage, retrieval and application of prior data sets for comparison and analysis for future data updates
  • Report and data sharing functionality

Bizmap also has the potential to expand to other cities and business districts. If you are interested in learning more about getting Bizmap for your city or neighborhood, contact us – info@www.bizmap.ca

Find Out More

Find the data you need and discover the data behind your neighbourhood. Visit the Bizmap website today.